Re: [thredds] Nesting serviceType="Compound"??


Along the same lines then, can <access> elements be inherited? Or is it bound only to the containing dataset and never to that dataset's children?


  <dataset name="level1" ID="SingleFileWcs">
    <metadata inherited='true'>
       <access serviceName=dap />
    <dataset name="level2_a" urlPath="wcs/foo" ID="wcs/foo" />
    <dataset name="level2_b" urlPath="wcs/foo" ID="wcs/foo" >


On Dec 1, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Ethan Davis wrote:

Hi Nathan,

Nathan Potter wrote:

Another question, about service inheritance.


  <dataset name="level1" ID="SingleFileWcs">

       <dataset name="level2_a" urlPath="wcs/foo" ID="wcs/foo" />
       <dataset name="level2_b" urlPath="wcs/foo" ID="wcs/foo" >

Is the dataset "level2_a" associated with the "dap" service??

No. Though it would be if the "dap" serviceName element were enclosed in
an inherited metadata element, like this
<metadata inherited='true'><serviceName>dap</serviceName></metadata>

Is the dataset "level2_b" associated with the "dap" service??

No. Not even if the "dap" serviceName was inherited, because the
"otherService" association overrides any inherited association.

Is the dataset "level2_b" associated with the "otherService" service??

Yes, it is.



= = =
Nathan Potter                        ndp at
OPeNDAP, Inc.                        +1.541.231.3317

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