[thredds] Fwd: working aggregation breaks with upgrade to TDS 4.X

Thought this might be a better place to field this question.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Davie Robertson <rjdave@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: October 16, 2009 6:25:26 AM PDT
To: IOOS Model Data Interoperability Working Group <ioos_model_data_interop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >
Subject: working aggregation breaks with upgrade to TDS 4.X
Reply-To: ioos_model_data_interop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi all,

I want to upgrade my TDS to 4.1 so I can serve compressed netcdf 4
files. I have tested it and it works great! However the upgrade to 4.1
breaks a couple of my aggregated datasets. The problem occurs when my
aggregating variable and it's dimension have different names. For
example my working dataset uses ocean_time(ocean_time) but the broken
ones use ocean_time(time). 3.17 works fine for either case but 4.1
(and probably 4.0) crap out with:

Error {
  code = 500;
  message = "AggregationExisting: no coordinate variable for agg

The relevant section of my catalog is:

<dataset name="Averages"
        urlPath="roms/eac/301/avg" >

  <netcdf xmlns="http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/namespaces/netcdf/
     <aggregation dimName="ocean_time" type="joinExisting">
              suffix=".nc" />

Any ideas? The earlier runs with ocean_time(ocean_time) are fine on
4.1 and 3.17.

David Robertson
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