[thredds] How get File_Access folder added to FMRC?

Aloha THREDDS Community,
We have some Forecast Model Run Collections (FMRC) set up in our TDS using 
datasetFmrc. I have noticed a File_Access folder for FMRCs on Motherlode that I 
do not find in ours. This provides access to the individual files in addition 
to the other access methods provided in FMRC. How can I turn this feature "on" 
in our catalog? An example of this working for NCEP on Motherlode at Unidata is 


An example of how there is not a File_Access folder can be found on our WRF 
catalog at:


Thanks for any help.
John Maurer
John Maurer
HiOOS Data System Administrator
School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

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