[thredds] Aggregation and enhancing



I have some KNMI HDF5 files with satellite products I would like to
serve with THREDDS (4.0.17).

I have built a coordSysBuilder which adds time,x,y dimensions to the
files (and a coordTransBuilder for the special stereographical
non-spherical earth projection we use).

The coordSysBuilder does it's work enhancing the individual
(non-aggregated) HDF5 files when serving them through OpenDap (as I can
verify from log files, the THREDDS web pages and from IDV).


However I would like to aggregate these files on the time parameter
(which comes from the enhancing by the coordSysBuilder).

Aggregation does not work, THREDDS complains that the dimension time
does not exist.

The message is:


Code 403;

Message = "AggregationExisting: no coordinate variable for agg
dimension= time";



Here is a excerpt from my aggregation code:


<dataset name="KNMI Sats">

    <metadata inherited="true">






  <dataset name="SAT IR Aggregation" ID="KNMI/sats/agg"



    <attribute name="Conventions" value="KNMIHDF5Image" />

      <aggregation dimName="time" type="joinExisting">

        <scan location="/home/vreedede/data/sats2" suffix=".h5" />






What am I doing wrong here?




Ernst de Vreede


The Netherlands

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