Re: [thredds] ncWMS and vector/contour plots

Hi Heiko,

heiko.klein@xxxxxx wrote:
> I'm currently testing the WMS capabilities of ncWMS included
> in the thredds4. This works great as long as I only make
> boxfill-plots like:
> http://localhost:8080/thredds/wms/testAll/,20,40,80&WIDTH=400&HEIGHT=400&TIME=2009-06-05T23:00:00
> But for some variables, I would like to plot STYLES=CONTOUR
> or STYLES=VECTOR. According to the ncWMS-trac
> this issue was
> solved two years ago. I didn't managed to get that working
> with thredds, and the GetCapabilities only refer to
> STYLES=BOXFILL. Do I have to enable contour/vector plots in
> a special way?

Though ncWMS-trac ticket #65 does mention "STYLES=CONTOUR", it has not
been implemented in ncWMS. The "STYLES=VECTOR" option, on the other
hand, was implemented in ncWMS but did not get ported over to the TDS.
(Mainly due to some differences in how we keep track of, or don't,
synthesized variables/layers.)

We are looking into the possibility of porting the "STYLES=VECTOR"
option over to the TDS. We'll keep the list informed of plans for the
addition of this capability.



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