[thredds] Slow response when requesting variables not dependent on aggregated variable

Hi all,

I have a pretty large aggregated, gridded dataset: 1222x1183 and over 27,000 time records. The data is aggregated along the time dimension. What I can't understand is why it takes so long when I request variables that do not have my aggregated variable (time) as a dimension, i.e. lat and lon. I have taken 21 files from my dataset and put them in a separate aggregated dataset and the response time for lat and lon is less than a second compared to several minutes for the 27,000 time records case. The time test were performed using ncks on a TDS server.

I'm sure there's a reason why this isn't the case, but I would think that when a non-record-dependent variable is requested from and aggregated dataset the thredds server would just look at the first file in the aggregation and thus be just as quick as a much smaller aggregated dataset. Isn't it safe to assume that all variables that are non-record-dependent have the same values throughout the entire aggregated dataset? If not, what file is thredds reading the values from? (first file in the aggregation? last? somewhere in the middle?)

David Robertson

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