Re: [thredds] Problems with lonLatEnvelope using WCS with a stereographic file

Hi John,

I would express it a bit different: lat/lon boxes are difficult for everything but equatorial cylindrical projections. As soon as you select the projection parameter latitude_of_projection_origin to be different from 0, you can span data across the pole and mapping of the corner-points to latLon boxes will give strange results.

For practical reasons, I prefer to have 'false positives' (i.e. bounding box larger than data area) than to have 'false negatives' (i.e. data outside the bounding box). I solve this by using 100x100 samples of the data-area and converting it to latLon. (see attached getExpensiveLatLonBoundingBox in, which is the method used in thredds4.0/WCS/getCapabilities). With this, the false negatives is below 1% and performance is still restricted by IO.

Since all CF-1.2 projections (except latLon) allow to change latitude_of_projection_origin, all projections might fail to retrieve the BB. So, something similar to the attached method should rather be the default than the exception.

Currently thredds/WCS doesn't use ProjectionImpl.latLonToProjBB in for BB, but I aggree that it should.

Best regards,


John Caron wrote:
Hi Heiko:

the problem is that lat/lon boxes dont work well for polar projections. We have a framework to add specializations, using a method on ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionImpl:

    * Convert a lat/lon bounding box to a world coordinate bounding box,
    * by finding the minimum enclosing box.
    * Handles lat/lon points that do not intersect the projection panel.
    * @param latlonRect input lat,lon bounding box
* @return minimum enclosing box in world coordinates, or null if no part of the LatLonRect intersects the projection plane
   public ProjectionRect latLonToProjBB(LatLonRect latlonRect);

if you have source, you can see what the generic algorithm does. We have one projection (VerticalPerspective) that overrides it. A similar override should be done in Stereographic (I think thats the one you use?).

It would be great to have some code that we can fit into this. let me know if this makes sense.


Heiko Klein wrote:

I just tested the 4.0 snapshot Ethan send me last week. I see, you put some effort testing if the pole is inside the dataset and the bounding-box is now:
<lonLatEnvelope srsName="WGS84(DD)">
<gml:pos>-76.99999999999999 28.263336016688474</gml:pos>
<gml:pos>153.9644871012531 90.0</gml:pos>

So, one of 4 points is as I expect ;-) The values are stable, that is the problem with axes in m seems to have disappeared.

I don't think it is possible to detect the bounding-boxes 'correctly' by just projecting the corner-points. I would either project the axes and use some polygons, or map the complete data-region. But this is of course a greater computational effort. If you're interested, I can try to come up with some code.

Best regards,


John Caron wrote:
Ah yes, thanks, that makes a lot of sense. We've had a lot of trouble getting the km/m conversion correct. Ill try to get it fixed.

Heiko Klein wrote:

I just made another observation: when changing the units of the projection_?_axis from m to km, the results are stable and stay those of the first try.


Heiko Klein wrote:

I have a file with gridded polar-stereographic data in CF-1.0, which
shows nicely in IDV. When putting the file on thredds and requesting WCS
GetCapabilites, I receive the following:

First try:

<lonLatEnvelope srsName="WGS84(DD)">
<gml:pos>-77.0 43.95245311362685</gml:pos>
<gml:pos>103.0 43.95245311362685</gml:pos>

Second try:
no envelope

Third try:
<lonLatEnvelope srsName="WGS84(DD)">
<gml:pos>-32.0 90.0</gml:pos>
<gml:pos>-32.0 90.0</gml:pos>

And it stays at the values of the third try, which are the definitions
of the projections (polar-stereographic, view at -32 degree) rather than
the envelope.

The data spans over the northpole, so longitude is from 0-360 while
latitute starts at 90 and has a minimum value of 43 degree.

The file can be found at
I'm running thredds 3.16 on linux with java 1.6 and tomcat 6

Does anybody know how I can solve the problem of the wrong envelope?

Best regards,

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Dr. Heiko Klein                              Tel. + 47 22 96 32 58
Development Section / IT Department          Fax. + 47 22 69 63 55
Norwegian Meteorological Institute 
P.O. Box 43 Blindern  0313 Oslo NORWAY
 * Copyright 1997-2007 Unidata Program Center/University Corporation for
 * Atmospheric Research, P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307,
 * support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
 * your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package ucar.nc2.dt.grid;

import ucar.nc2.*;
import ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType;
import ucar.nc2.dataset.*;
import ucar.nc2.util.NamedObject;
import ucar.nc2.units.*;

import ucar.unidata.geoloc.*;
import ucar.unidata.geoloc.projection.VerticalPerspectiveView;
import ucar.unidata.geoloc.projection.RotatedPole;
import ucar.unidata.geoloc.vertical.*;
import ucar.ma2.*;

import java.util.*;

import ucar.nc2.units.DateRange;

 * A georeferencing "gridded" CoordinateSystem. This describes a "grid" of 
coordinates, which
 * implies a connected topology such that values next to each other in index 
space are next to
 * each other in coordinate space.
 * Note: these classes should be considered experimental and will likely be 
refactored in the next release.
 * <p/>
 * This currently assumes that the CoordinateSystem
 * <ol>
 * <li> is georeferencing (has Lat, Lon or GeoX, GeoY axes)
 * <li> x, y are 1 or 2-dimensional axes.
 * <li> z, t are 1-dimensional axes.
 * </ol>
 * <p/>
 * This is the common case for georeferencing coordinate systems. 
Mathematically it is a product set:
 * {X,Y} x {Z} x {T}. The x and y axes may be 1 or 2 dimensional.
 * <p/>
 * <p/>
 * A CoordinateSystem may have multiple horizontal and vertical axes. 
GridCoordSys chooses one
 * axis corresponding to X, Y, Z, and T. It gives preference to one dimensional 
axes (CoordinateAxis1D).
 * @author caron

public class GridCoordSys extends CoordinateSystem implements 
ucar.nc2.dt.GridCoordSystem {

   * Determine if this CoordinateSystem can be made into a GridCoordSys.
   * This currently assumes that the CoordinateSystem:
   * <ol>
   * <li> is georeferencing (cs.isGeoReferencing())
   * <li> x, y are 1 or 2-dimensional axes.
   * <li> z, t, if they exist, are 1-dimensional axes.
   * <li> domain rank > 1
   * </ol>
   * @param cs    the CoordinateSystem to test
   * @param sbuff place information messages here, may be null
   * @return true if it can be made into a GridCoordSys.
   * @see CoordinateSystem#isGeoReferencing
  public static boolean isGridCoordSys(StringBuilder sbuff, CoordinateSystem 
cs) {
    if (cs.getRankDomain() < 2) {
      if (sbuff != null) {
        sbuff.append(cs.getName()).append(": domain rank < 2\n");
      return false;

    if (!cs.isLatLon()) {
      // do check for GeoXY ourself
      if ((cs.getXaxis() == null) || (cs.getYaxis() == null)) {
        if (sbuff != null) {
          sbuff.append(cs.getName()).append(": NO Lat,Lon or X,Y axis\n");
        return false;
      if (null == cs.getProjection()) {
        if (sbuff != null) {
          sbuff.append(cs.getName()).append(": NO projection found\n");
        return false;

    CoordinateAxis xaxis, yaxis;
    if (cs.isGeoXY()) {
      xaxis = cs.getXaxis();
      yaxis = cs.getYaxis();

      ProjectionImpl p = cs.getProjection();
      if (!(p instanceof RotatedPole)) {
        if (!SimpleUnit.kmUnit.isCompatible(xaxis.getUnitsString())) {
          if (sbuff != null) {
            sbuff.append(cs.getName()).append(": X axis units must be 
convertible to km\n");
          return false;
        if (!SimpleUnit.kmUnit.isCompatible(yaxis.getUnitsString())) {
          if (sbuff != null) {
            sbuff.append(cs.getName()).append(": Y axis units must be 
convertible to km\n");
          return false;
    } else {
      xaxis = cs.getLonAxis();
      yaxis = cs.getLatAxis();

    // check ranks
    if ((xaxis.getRank() > 2) || (yaxis.getRank() > 2)) {
      if (sbuff != null) {
        sbuff.append(cs.getName()).append(": X or Y axis rank must be <= 2\n");
      return false;

    //int countRangeRank = 2;

    CoordinateAxis z = cs.getHeightAxis();
    if ((z == null) || !(z instanceof CoordinateAxis1D)) z = 
    if ((z == null) || !(z instanceof CoordinateAxis1D)) z = cs.getZaxis();
    if ((z != null) && !(z instanceof CoordinateAxis1D)) {
      if (sbuff != null) {
        sbuff.append(cs.getName()).append(": Z axis must be 1D\n");
      return false;

    CoordinateAxis t = cs.getTaxis();
    if ((t != null) && !(t instanceof CoordinateAxis1D)) {
      CoordinateAxis rt = cs.findAxis(AxisType.RunTime);
      if (rt == null) {
        if (sbuff != null) {
          sbuff.append(cs.getName()).append(": T axis must be 1D\n");
        return false;
      if (!(rt instanceof CoordinateAxis1D)) {
        if (sbuff != null) {
          sbuff.append(cs.getName()).append(": RunTime axis must be 1D\n");
        return false;

      if (t.getRank() != 2) {
        if (sbuff != null) {
          sbuff.append(cs.getName()).append(": Time axis must be 2D when used 
with RunTime dimension\n");
        return false;

      CoordinateAxis1D rt1D = (CoordinateAxis1D) rt;
      Dimension rtdim = rt1D.getDimension(0);
      Dimension tdim = t.getDimension(0);

      if (!rtdim.equals(tdim)) {
        if (sbuff != null) {
          sbuff.append(cs.getName()).append(": Time axis must use RunTime 
        return false;
    // if (t != null) countRangeRank++;

    /* if (cs.getRankDomain() < countRangeRank) {
     if (sbuff != null) sbuff.append(" domain rank "+ cs.getRankDomain()+" < 
range rank "+countRangeRank+" \n");
     return false;
   } */

    return true;

   * Determine if the CoordinateSystem cs can be made into a GridCoordSys for 
the Variable v.
   * @param sbuff put debug information into this StringBuffer; may be null.
   * @param cs    CoordinateSystem to check.
   * @param v     Variable to check.
   * @return the GridCoordSys made from cs, else null.
  public static GridCoordSys makeGridCoordSys(StringBuilder sbuff, 
CoordinateSystem cs, VariableEnhanced v) {
    if (sbuff != null) {
      sbuff.append(" ");
      v.getNameAndDimensions(sbuff, false, true);
      sbuff.append(" check CS ").append(cs.getName()).append(": ");
    if (isGridCoordSys(sbuff, cs)) {
      GridCoordSys gcs = new GridCoordSys(cs, sbuff);  // LOOK inefficient !!!
      if (gcs.isComplete(v)) {
        if (sbuff != null) sbuff.append(" OK\n");
        return gcs;
      } else {
        if (sbuff != null) sbuff.append(" NOT complete\n");

    return null;

  private ProjectionImpl proj;
  // private CoordinateSystem cs;
  private CoordinateAxis horizXaxis, horizYaxis;
  private CoordinateAxis1D vertZaxis, ensembleAxis;
  private CoordinateAxis1DTime timeTaxis, runTimeAxis;
  private VerticalCT vCT;
  private Dimension timeDim;

  private boolean isDate = false;
  private boolean isLatLon = false;
  private List<NamedObject> levels = null;
  private List<NamedObject> times = null;
  private Date[] timeDates = null;

   * Create a GridCoordSys from an existing Coordinate System.
   * This will choose which axes are the XHoriz, YHoriz, Vertical, and Time.
   * If theres a Projection, it will set its map area
   * @param cs    create from this Coordinate System
   * @param sbuff place information messages here, may be null
  public GridCoordSys(CoordinateSystem cs, StringBuilder sbuff) {
    this.ds = cs.getNetcdfDataset();

    if (cs.isGeoXY()) {
      horizXaxis = xAxis = cs.getXaxis();
      horizYaxis = yAxis = cs.getYaxis();

      ProjectionImpl p = cs.getProjection();
      if (!(p instanceof RotatedPole)) {
        // LOOK shold we make a copy of the axes here, so original CS stays 
intact ??
    } else if (cs.isLatLon()) {
      horizXaxis = lonAxis = cs.getLonAxis();
      horizYaxis = latAxis = cs.getLatAxis();
      isLatLon = true;

    } else
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("CoordinateSystem is not 


    // set canonical area
    ProjectionImpl projOrig = cs.getProjection();
    if (projOrig != null) {
      proj = projOrig.constructCopy();

    // need to generalize to non 1D vertical.
    CoordinateAxis z = hAxis = cs.getHeightAxis();
    if ((z == null) || !(z instanceof CoordinateAxis1D)) z = pAxis = 
    if ((z == null) || !(z instanceof CoordinateAxis1D)) z = zAxis = 
    if ((z != null) && !(z instanceof CoordinateAxis1D)) z = null;
    if (z != null) {
      vertZaxis = (CoordinateAxis1D) z;
    } else {
      hAxis = pAxis = zAxis = null;

    // timeTaxis must be CoordinateAxis1DTime
    CoordinateAxis t = cs.getTaxis();
    if (t != null) {

      if (t instanceof CoordinateAxis1D) {

        try {
          if (t instanceof CoordinateAxis1DTime)
            timeTaxis = (CoordinateAxis1DTime) t;
          else {
            timeTaxis = CoordinateAxis1DTime.factory(ds, t, sbuff);

          tAxis = timeTaxis;
          timeDim = t.getDimension(0);

        } catch (Exception e) {
          if (sbuff != null)
            sbuff.append("Error reading time coord= 
").append(t.getName()).append(" ").append(e.getMessage());

      } else { // 2d

        tAxis = t;
        timeTaxis = null;
        coordAxes.add(t); // LOOK ??

    // look for special axes
    ensembleAxis = (CoordinateAxis1D) cs.findAxis(AxisType.Ensemble);
    if (null != ensembleAxis) coordAxes.add(ensembleAxis);

    CoordinateAxis1D rtAxis = (CoordinateAxis1D) cs.findAxis(AxisType.RunTime);
    if (null != rtAxis) {
      try {
        if (rtAxis instanceof CoordinateAxis1DTime)
          runTimeAxis = (CoordinateAxis1DTime) rtAxis;
          runTimeAxis = CoordinateAxis1DTime.factory(ds, rtAxis, sbuff);


      } catch (IOException e) {
        if (sbuff != null) {
          sbuff.append("Error reading runtime coord= 
").append(t.getName()).append(" ").append(e.getMessage());

    // look for VerticalCT
    List<CoordinateTransform> list = cs.getCoordinateTransforms();
    for (CoordinateTransform ct : list) {
      if (ct instanceof VerticalCT) {
        vCT = (VerticalCT) ct;

    // make name based on coordinate
    Collections.sort(coordAxes, new CoordinateAxis.AxisComparator()); // 
canonical ordering of axes = makeName(coordAxes);

    // copy all coordfinate transforms into here
    this.coordTrans = new 

    // collect dimensions
    for (CoordinateAxis axis : coordAxes) {
      List<Dimension> dims = axis.getDimensions();
      for (Dimension dim : dims) {
        if (!domain.contains(dim))


   * Create a GridCoordSys as a section of an existing GridCoordSys.
   * This will create sections of the corresponding CoordinateAxes.
   * @param from    copy this GridCoordSys
   * @param t_range subset the time dimension, or null if you want all of it
   * @param z_range subset the vertical dimension, or null if you want all of it
   * @param y_range subset the y dimension, or null if you want all of it
   * @param x_range subset the x dimension, or null if you want all of it
   * @throws InvalidRangeException if any of the ranges are illegal
  public GridCoordSys(GridCoordSys from, Range t_range, Range z_range, Range 
y_range, Range x_range) throws InvalidRangeException {
    // this.cs = from.cs;

    CoordinateAxis xaxis = from.getXHorizAxis();
    CoordinateAxis yaxis = from.getYHorizAxis();

    if ((xaxis instanceof CoordinateAxis1D) && (yaxis instanceof 
CoordinateAxis1D)) {
      CoordinateAxis1D xaxis1 = (CoordinateAxis1D) xaxis;
      CoordinateAxis1D yaxis1 = (CoordinateAxis1D) yaxis;

      horizXaxis = (x_range == null) ? xaxis1 : xaxis1.section(x_range);
      horizYaxis = (y_range == null) ? yaxis : yaxis1.section(y_range);

    } else if ((xaxis instanceof CoordinateAxis2D) && (yaxis instanceof 
CoordinateAxis2D) && from.isLatLon()) {
      CoordinateAxis2D lon_axis = (CoordinateAxis2D) xaxis;
      CoordinateAxis2D lat_axis = (CoordinateAxis2D) yaxis;

      horizXaxis = lon_axis.section(y_range, x_range);
      horizYaxis = lat_axis.section(y_range, x_range);
    } else
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("must be 1D or 2D/LatLon ");

    if (from.isGeoXY()) {
      xAxis = horizXaxis;
      yAxis = horizYaxis;
    } else {
      lonAxis = horizXaxis;
      latAxis = horizYaxis;
      isLatLon = true;


    // set canonical area
    ProjectionImpl projOrig = from.getProjection();
    if (projOrig != null) {
      proj = projOrig.constructCopy();

    CoordinateAxis1D zaxis = from.getVerticalAxis();
    if (zaxis != null) {
      vertZaxis = (z_range == null) ? zaxis : zaxis.section(z_range);
      // LOOK assign hAxis, pAxis or zAxis

    if (from.getVerticalCT() != null) {
      VerticalTransform vt = from.getVerticalTransform();
      if (vt != null)
        vt = vt.subset(t_range, z_range, y_range, x_range);

      vCT = new VerticalCT(from.getVerticalCT());

    CoordinateAxis taxis = from.getTimeAxis(); // LOOK!!
    if (taxis != null) {
      CoordinateAxis1DTime taxis1D = (CoordinateAxis1DTime) taxis;
      tAxis = timeTaxis = (t_range == null) ? taxis1D : (CoordinateAxis1DTime) 
      timeDim = timeTaxis.getDimension(0);

    // make name based on coordinate
    Collections.sort(coordAxes, new CoordinateAxis.AxisComparator()); // 
canonical ordering of axes = makeName(coordAxes);

    this.coordTrans = new 

    // collect dimensions
    for (CoordinateAxis axis : coordAxes) {
      List<Dimension> dims = axis.getDimensions();
      for (Dimension dim : dims) {
        dim.setShared(true); // make them shared (section will make them 
        if (!domain.contains(dim))


  private void convertUnits(CoordinateAxis axis) {
    String units = axis.getUnitsString();
    SimpleUnit axisUnit = SimpleUnit.factory(units);
    double factor;
    try {
      factor = axisUnit.convertTo(1.0, SimpleUnit.kmUnit);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    if (factor == 1.0) return;

    Array data;
    try {
      data =;
    } catch (IOException e) {
    IndexIterator ii = data.getIndexIterator();
    while (ii.hasNext())
      ii.setDoubleCurrent(factor * ii.getDoubleNext());

    axis.setCachedData(data, false);

  //private VerticalTransform vt = null;

   * Get the vertical transform, if any.
  public VerticalTransform getVerticalTransform() {
    return vCT == null ? null : vCT.getVerticalTransform();

  public VerticalCT getVerticalCT() {
    return vCT;

  // we have to delay making these, since we dont identify the dimensions 
specifically until now
  void makeVerticalTransform(GridDataset gds, StringBuilder parseInfo) {
    if (vCT == null) return;
    if (vCT.getVerticalTransform() != null) return; // already done

    vCT.makeVerticalTransform(gds.getNetcdfDataset(), timeDim);

    if (vCT.getVerticalTransform() == null) {
      parseInfo.append("  - CAN'T make VerticalTransform = 
    } else {
      parseInfo.append("  - makeVerticalTransform = 

  /** Create a GridCoordSys from an existing Coordinate System and explcitly set
   *  which axes are the x, y, z, and time axes.
   public GridCoordSys( CoordinateSystem cs, CoordinateAxis xaxis, 
CoordinateAxis yaxis,
   CoordinateAxis1D zaxis, CoordinateAxis1D taxis) {
   super( cs.getCoordinateAxes(), cs.getCoordinateTransforms());

   if (!isGeoReferencing())
   throw new IllegalArgumentException("CoordinateSystem is not geoReferencing");

   this.xaxis = xaxis;
   this.yaxis = yaxis;
   this.zaxis = zaxis;
   this.taxis = taxis;

   } */

   * get the X Horizontal axis (either GeoX or Lon)
  public CoordinateAxis getXHorizAxis() {
    return horizXaxis;

   * get the Y Horizontal axis (either GeoY or Lat)
  public CoordinateAxis getYHorizAxis() {
    return horizYaxis;

   * get the Vertical axis (either Geoz, Height, or Pressure)
  public CoordinateAxis1D getVerticalAxis() {
    return vertZaxis;

   * get the Time axis
  public CoordinateAxis getTimeAxis() {
    return tAxis;

   * get the Time axis, if its 1-dimensional
  public CoordinateAxis1DTime getTimeAxis1D() {
    return timeTaxis;

   * get the RunTime axis, else null
  public CoordinateAxis1DTime getRunTimeAxis() {
    return runTimeAxis;

   * get the Ensemble axis, else null
  public CoordinateAxis1D getEnsembleAxis() {
    return ensembleAxis;

   * get the projection
  public ProjectionImpl getProjection() {
    return proj;

   * Get the list of level names, to be used for user selection.
   * The ith one refers to the ith level coordinate.
   * @return List of ucar.nc2.util.NamedObject, or empty list.
  public List<NamedObject> getLevels() {
    return levels;

   * Get the list of time names, to be used for user selection.
   * The ith one refers to the ith time coordinate.
   * @return List of ucar.nc2.util.NamedObject, or empty list.
  public List<NamedObject> getTimes() {
    return times;

   * Get the list of times as Dates. Only valid if isDate() is true;
   * @return array of java.util.Date, or null.
  public java.util.Date[] getTimeDates() {
    return timeDates;

   * is this a Lat/Lon coordinate system?
  public boolean isLatLon() {
    return isLatLon;

   * is there a time coordinate, and can it be expressed as a Date?
   * @return true if theres a time coordinate that can be expressed as a Date
  public boolean isDate() {
    return isDate;

   * true if increasing z coordinate values means "up" in altitude
  public boolean isZPositive() {
    if (vertZaxis == null) return false;
    if (vertZaxis.getPositive() != null) {
    if (vertZaxis.getAxisType() == AxisType.Height) return true;
    if (vertZaxis.getAxisType() == AxisType.Pressure) return false;
    return true; // default

   * true if x and y axes are CoordinateAxis1D and are regular
  public boolean isRegularSpatial() {
    if (!isRegularSpatial(getXHorizAxis())) return false;
    if (!isRegularSpatial(getYHorizAxis())) return false;
    //if (!isRegularSpatial(getVerticalAxis())) return false; LOOK removed July 
30, 2006 for WCS
    return true;

  private boolean isRegularSpatial(CoordinateAxis axis) {
    if (axis == null) return true;
    if (!(axis instanceof CoordinateAxis1D)) return false;
    if (!((CoordinateAxis1D) axis).isRegular()) return false;
    return true;

   * Given a point in x,y coordinate space, find the x,y index in the 
coordinate system.
   * Not implemented yet for 2D.
   * @param x_coord position in x coordinate space.
   * @param y_coord position in y coordinate space.
   * @param result  put result in here, may be null
   * @return int[2], 0=x,1=y indices in the coordinate system of the point. 
These will be -1 if out of range.
  public int[] findXYindexFromCoord(double x_coord, double y_coord, int[] 
result) {
    if (result == null)
      result = new int[2];

    if ((horizXaxis instanceof CoordinateAxis1D) && (horizYaxis instanceof 
CoordinateAxis1D)) {
      result[0] = ((CoordinateAxis1D) horizXaxis).findCoordElement(x_coord);
      result[1] = ((CoordinateAxis1D) horizYaxis).findCoordElement(y_coord);
      return result;
    } else if ((horizXaxis instanceof CoordinateAxis2D) && (horizYaxis 
instanceof CoordinateAxis2D)) {
      result[0] = -1;
      result[1] = -1;
      return result;
      //return ((CoordinateAxis2D) xaxis).findXYindexFromCoord( xpos, ypos, 

    // cant happen
    throw new IllegalStateException("GridCoordSystem.findXYindexFromCoord");

   * Given a lat,lon point, find the x,y index in the coordinate system.
   * @param lat    latitude position.
   * @param lon    longitude position.
   * @param result put result in here, may be null
   * @return int[2], 0=x,1=y indices in the coordinate system of the point. 
These will be -1 if out of range.
  public int[] findXYindexFromLatLon(double lat, double lon, int[] result) {
    Projection dataProjection = getProjection();
    ProjectionPoint pp = dataProjection.latLonToProj(new LatLonPointImpl(lat, 
lon), new ProjectionPointImpl());

    return findXYindexFromCoord(pp.getX(), pp.getY(), result);

   * Given a point in x,y coordinate space, find the x,y index in the 
coordinate system.
   * @deprecated use findXYindexFromCoord
  public int[] findXYCoordElement(double x_coord, double y_coord, int[] result) 
    return findXYindexFromCoord(x_coord, y_coord, result);

   * Given a Date, find the corresponding time index on the time coordinate 
   * Can only call this is hasDate() is true.
   * This will return
   * <ul>
   * <li> i, if time(i) <= d < time(i+1).
   * <li> -1, if d < time(0)
   * <li> n-1, if d > time(n-1),  where n is length of time coordinates
   * </ul>
   * @param d date to look for
   * @return corresponding time index on the time coordinate axis
   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException is no time axis or isDate() false
  public int findTimeIndexFromDate(java.util.Date d) {
    if (timeTaxis == null || !isDate())
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("GridCoordSys: ti");

    int n = (int) timeTaxis.getSize();
    long m = d.getTime();
    int index = 0;
    while (index < n) {
      if (m < timeDates[index].getTime())
    return index - 1;

   * Get the String name for the ith level(z) coordinate.
   * @param index which level coordinate
   * @return level name
  public String getLevelName(int index) {
    if ((vertZaxis == null) || (index < 0) || (index >= vertZaxis.getSize()))
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("getLevelName = " + index);

    NamedAnything name = (NamedAnything) levels.get(index);
    return name.getName();

   * Get the index corresponding to the level name.
   * @param name level name
   * @return level index, or -1 if not found
  public int getLevelIndex(String name) {
    if ((vertZaxis == null) || (name == null)) return -1;

    for (int i = 0; i < levels.size(); i++) {
      NamedAnything level = (NamedAnything) levels.get(i);
      if (level.getName().trim().equals(name)) return i;
    return -1;

   * Get the string name for the ith time coordinate.
   * @param index which time coordinate
   * @return time name.
  public String getTimeName(int index) {
    if ((timeTaxis == null) || (index < 0) || (index >= timeTaxis.getSize()))
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("getTimeName = " + index);

    NamedAnything name = (NamedAnything) times.get(index);
    return name.getName();

   * Get the index corresponding to the time name.
   * @param name time name
   * @return time index, or -1 if not found
  public int getTimeIndex(String name) {
    if ((timeTaxis == null) || (name == null)) return -1;

    for (int i = 0; i < times.size(); i++) {
      NamedAnything time = (NamedAnything) times.get(i);
      if (time.getName().trim().equals(name)) return i;
    return -1;

  public DateRange getDateRange() {
    if (isDate()) {
      Date[] dates = getTimeDates();
      return new DateRange(dates[0], dates[dates.length - 1]);

    return null;

   * True if there is a Time Axis.
  public boolean hasTimeAxis() {
    return tAxis != null;

   * True if there is a Time Axis and it is 1D.
  public boolean hasTimeAxis1D() {
    return timeTaxis != null;

  public CoordinateAxis1DTime getTimeAxisForRun(int run_index) {
    if (!hasTimeAxis() || hasTimeAxis1D()) return null;
    int nruns = (int) runTimeAxis.getSize();
    if ((run_index < 0) || (run_index >= nruns))
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("getTimeAxisForRun index out of 
bounds= " + run_index);

    if (timeAxisForRun == null)
      timeAxisForRun = new CoordinateAxis1DTime[nruns];

    if (timeAxisForRun[run_index] == null)
      timeAxisForRun[run_index] = makeTimeAxisForRun(run_index);

    return timeAxisForRun[run_index];

  private CoordinateAxis1DTime[] timeAxisForRun;

  private CoordinateAxis1DTime makeTimeAxisForRun(int run_index) {
    VariableDS section;
    try {
      section = (VariableDS) tAxis.slice(0, run_index);
      return CoordinateAxis1DTime.factory(ds, section, null);
    } catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {

    return null;

  public DateUnit getDateUnit() throws Exception {
    String tUnits = getTimeAxis().getUnitsString();
    return new DateUnit(tUnits);

   * Get the resolution of the time coordinate. must be regular
   * @return null if !isRegular()
   * @throws Exception if parsing the time unit fails
  public TimeUnit getTimeResolution() throws Exception {
    if (!isRegular()) return null;

    CoordinateAxis1DTime taxis = (CoordinateAxis1DTime) getTimeAxis();
    String tUnits = taxis.getUnitsString();
    StringTokenizer stoker = new StringTokenizer(tUnits);
    double tResolution = taxis.getIncrement();
    return new TimeUnit(tResolution, stoker.nextToken());

  private ProjectionRect mapArea = null;

   * Get the x,y bounding box in projection coordinates.
  public ProjectionRect getBoundingBox() {
    if (mapArea == null) {

      if ((horizXaxis == null) || !horizXaxis.isNumeric() || (horizYaxis == 
null) || !horizYaxis.isNumeric())
        return null; // impossible

      // x,y may be 2D
      if (!(horizXaxis instanceof CoordinateAxis1D) || !(horizYaxis instanceof 
CoordinateAxis1D)) {
        mapArea = new ProjectionRect(horizXaxis.getMinValue(), 
            horizXaxis.getMaxValue(), horizYaxis.getMaxValue());

      } else {

        CoordinateAxis1D xaxis1 = (CoordinateAxis1D) horizXaxis;
        CoordinateAxis1D yaxis1 = (CoordinateAxis1D) horizYaxis;

        /* add one percent on each side if its a projection. WHY?
        double dx = 0.0, dy = 0.0;
        if (!isLatLon()) {
          dx = .01 * (xaxis1.getCoordEdge((int) xaxis1.getSize()) - 
          dy = .01 * (yaxis1.getCoordEdge((int) yaxis1.getSize()) - 

        mapArea = new ProjectionRect(xaxis1.getCoordEdge(0) - dx, 
yaxis1.getCoordEdge(0) - dy,
            xaxis1.getCoordEdge((int) xaxis1.getSize()) + dx,
            yaxis1.getCoordEdge((int) yaxis1.getSize()) + dy); */

        mapArea = new ProjectionRect(xaxis1.getCoordEdge(0), 
            xaxis1.getCoordEdge((int) xaxis1.getSize()),
            yaxis1.getCoordEdge((int) yaxis1.getSize()));

    return mapArea;

   * Get the Lat/Lon coordinates of the midpoint of a grid cell, using the x,y 
   * @param xindex x index
   * @param yindex y index
   * @return lat/lon coordinate of the midpoint of the cell
  public LatLonPoint getLatLon(int xindex, int yindex) {
    double x, y;

    if (horizXaxis instanceof CoordinateAxis1D) {
      CoordinateAxis1D horiz1D = (CoordinateAxis1D) horizXaxis;
      x = horiz1D.getCoordValue(xindex);
    } else {
      CoordinateAxis2D horiz2D = (CoordinateAxis2D) horizXaxis;
      x = horiz2D.getCoordValue(xindex, yindex);

    if (horizYaxis instanceof CoordinateAxis1D) {
      CoordinateAxis1D horiz1D = (CoordinateAxis1D) horizYaxis;
      y = horiz1D.getCoordValue(yindex);
    } else {
      CoordinateAxis2D horiz2D = (CoordinateAxis2D) horizYaxis;
      y = horiz2D.getCoordValue(xindex, yindex);

    return isLatLon() ? new LatLonPointImpl(y, x) : getLatLon(x, y);

  public LatLonPoint getLatLon(double xcoord, double ycoord) {
    Projection dataProjection = getProjection();
    return dataProjection.projToLatLon(new ProjectionPointImpl(xcoord, ycoord), 
new LatLonPointImpl());

  static private LatLonPointImpl getNormalizeLatLonPoint(Projection p, double 
x, double y) {
      LatLonPointImpl llp = (LatLonPointImpl) p.projToLatLon(new 
ProjectionPointImpl(x, y), new LatLonPointImpl());
      double lon = LatLonPointImpl.lonNormal(llp.getLongitude());
      double lat = LatLonPointImpl.latNormal(llp.getLatitude());
      return llp;

  static private void extendLatLonMinMax(LatLonPoint p, LatLonPointImpl 
maxLatLon, LatLonPointImpl minLatLon) {
     if (p.getLatitude() < minLatLon.getLatitude()) {
     } else if (p.getLatitude() > maxLatLon.getLatitude()) {
     if (p.getLongitude() < minLatLon.getLongitude()) {
     } else if (p.getLongitude() > maxLatLon.getLongitude()) {
  private LatLonRect ellbb = null;
   * get a bounding-box by analysing a set of data-points
   * @param xSteps number of datapoints to use on x-axis (must be &gt;2 for all)
   * @param ySteps number of datapoints to use on y-axis (must be &gt;2 for all)
   * @return 
  public LatLonRect getExpensiveLatLonBoundingBox(int xSteps, int ySteps) {
      if (ellbb == null) {
          if (isLatLon()) {
              double startLat = horizYaxis.getMinValue();
              double startLon = horizXaxis.getMinValue();

              double deltaLat = horizYaxis.getMaxValue() - startLat;
              double deltaLon = horizXaxis.getMaxValue() - startLon;

              LatLonPoint llpt = new LatLonPointImpl(startLat, startLon);
              ellbb = new LatLonRect(llpt, deltaLat, deltaLon);

          } else {
              Projection dataProjection = getProjection();
              ProjectionRect bb = getBoundingBox();
              ProjectionPoint llppt = bb.getLowerLeftPoint();
              ProjectionPoint urppt = bb.getUpperRightPoint();
              double xLeft, xRight, yLeft, yRight;
              if (llppt.getX() < urppt.getX()) {
                  xLeft = llppt.getX();
                  xRight = urppt.getX();
              } else {
                  xLeft = urppt.getX();
                  xRight = llppt.getX();
              if (llppt.getY() < urppt.getY()) {
                  yLeft = llppt.getY();
                  yRight = urppt.getY();
              } else {
                  yLeft = urppt.getY();
                  yRight = llppt.getY();
              LatLonPointImpl minLatLon = 
getNormalizeLatLonPoint(dataProjection, xRight, yRight);
              LatLonPointImpl maxLatLon = 
getNormalizeLatLonPoint(dataProjection, xRight, yRight);
              double xDelta = (xRight - xLeft) / xSteps;
              double yDelta = (yRight - yLeft) / ySteps;
              for (double x = xLeft; x < xRight; x += xDelta) {
                  for (double y = yLeft; y < yRight; y += yDelta) {
                      LatLonPoint newPoint = 
getNormalizeLatLonPoint(dataProjection, x, y);
                      extendLatLonMinMax(newPoint, maxLatLon, minLatLon);
              // add the corner cases, since they might be outside due to 
rounding errors even when using <=
              LatLonPoint newPoint = getNormalizeLatLonPoint(dataProjection, 
xLeft, yRight);
              extendLatLonMinMax(newPoint, maxLatLon, minLatLon);
              newPoint = getNormalizeLatLonPoint(dataProjection, xRight, yLeft);
              extendLatLonMinMax(newPoint, maxLatLon, minLatLon);
              ellbb = new LatLonRect(minLatLon, maxLatLon);
      return ellbb;
  private LatLonRect llbb = null;
   * Get horizontal bounding box in lat, lon coordinates.
   * @return lat, lon bounding box.
  public LatLonRect getLatLonBoundingBox() {
    // test new method, with 100 samples (should be configured?)
    llbb = getExpensiveLatLonBoundingBox(100, 100);
    if (llbb == null) {

      if (isLatLon()) {
        double startLat = horizYaxis.getMinValue();
        double startLon = horizXaxis.getMinValue();

        double deltaLat = horizYaxis.getMaxValue() - startLat;
        double deltaLon = horizXaxis.getMaxValue() - startLon;

        LatLonPoint llpt = new LatLonPointImpl(startLat, startLon);
        llbb = new LatLonRect(llpt, deltaLat, deltaLon);

      } else {
        Projection dataProjection = getProjection();
        ProjectionRect bb = getBoundingBox();

        // look at all 4 corners of the bounding box
        LatLonPointImpl llpt = (LatLonPointImpl) 
dataProjection.projToLatLon(bb.getLowerLeftPoint(), new LatLonPointImpl());
        LatLonPointImpl lrpt = (LatLonPointImpl) 
dataProjection.projToLatLon(bb.getLowerRightPoint(), new LatLonPointImpl());
        LatLonPointImpl urpt = (LatLonPointImpl) 
dataProjection.projToLatLon(bb.getUpperRightPoint(), new LatLonPointImpl());
        LatLonPointImpl ulpt = (LatLonPointImpl) 
dataProjection.projToLatLon(bb.getUpperLeftPoint(), new LatLonPointImpl());

        // Check if grid contains poles.
        boolean includesNorthPole = false;
        int[] resultNP = new int[2];
        resultNP = findXYindexFromLatLon(90.0, 0, null);
        if (resultNP[0] != -1 && resultNP[1] != -1)
          includesNorthPole = true;
        boolean includesSouthPole = false;
        int[] resultSP = new int[2];
        resultSP = findXYindexFromLatLon(-90.0, 0, null);
        if (resultSP[0] != -1 && resultSP[1] != -1)
          includesSouthPole = true;

        if (includesNorthPole && !includesSouthPole) {
          llbb = new LatLonRect(llpt, new LatLonPointImpl(90.0, 0.0)); // ??? 
          // OR
          //llbb.extend( new LatLonRect( llpt, lrpt ));
          //llbb.extend( new LatLonRect( lrpt, urpt ) );
          //llbb.extend( new LatLonRect( urpt, ulpt ) );
          //llbb.extend( new LatLonRect( ulpt, llpt ) );
        } else if (includesSouthPole && !includesNorthPole) {
          llbb = new LatLonRect(llpt, new LatLonPointImpl(-90.0, -180.0)); // 
??? lon=???
        } else {
          double latMin = Math.min(llpt.getLatitude(), lrpt.getLatitude());
          double latMax = Math.max(ulpt.getLatitude(), urpt.getLatitude());

          // longitude is a bit tricky as usual
          double lonMin = getMinOrMaxLon(llpt.getLongitude(), 
ulpt.getLongitude(), true);
          double lonMax = getMinOrMaxLon(lrpt.getLongitude(), 
urpt.getLongitude(), false);

          llpt.set(latMin, lonMin);
          urpt.set(latMax, lonMax);

          llbb = new LatLonRect(llpt, urpt);

    return llbb;

  private double getMinOrMaxLon(double lon1, double lon2, boolean wantMin) {
    double midpoint = (lon1 + lon2) / 2;
    lon1 = LatLonPointImpl.lonNormal(lon1, midpoint);
    lon2 = LatLonPointImpl.lonNormal(lon2, midpoint);

    return wantMin ? Math.min(lon1, lon2) : Math.max(lon1, lon2);

   * Get Index Ranges for the given lat, lon bounding box.
   * @deprecated use getRangesFromLatRect.
  public List<Range> getLatLonBoundingBox(LatLonRect rect) throws 
InvalidRangeException {
    return getRangesFromLatLonRect(rect);

   * Get Index Ranges for the given lat, lon bounding box.
   * For projection, only an approximation based on latlon corners.
   * Must have CoordinateAxis1D or 2D for x and y axis.
   * @return list of 2 Range objects, first y then x.
  public List<Range> getRangesFromLatLonRect(LatLonRect rect) throws 
InvalidRangeException {
    double minx, maxx, miny, maxy;

    ProjectionImpl proj = getProjection();
    if (proj != null && !(proj instanceof VerticalPerspectiveView)) { // LOOK 
kludge - how to do this generrally ??
      // first clip the request rectangle to the bounding box of the grid
      LatLonRect bb = getLatLonBoundingBox();
      rect = bb.intersect(rect);
      if (null == rect)
        throw new InvalidRangeException("Request Bounding box does not 
intersect Grid");

    if (isLatLon()) {

      LatLonPointImpl llpt = rect.getLowerLeftPoint();
      LatLonPointImpl urpt = rect.getUpperRightPoint();
      LatLonPointImpl lrpt = rect.getLowerRightPoint();
      LatLonPointImpl ulpt = rect.getUpperLeftPoint();

      minx = getMinOrMaxLon(llpt.getLongitude(), ulpt.getLongitude(), true);
      miny = Math.min(llpt.getLatitude(), lrpt.getLatitude());
      maxx = getMinOrMaxLon(urpt.getLongitude(), lrpt.getLongitude(), false);
      maxy = Math.min(ulpt.getLatitude(), urpt.getLatitude());

    } else {
      ProjectionRect prect = getProjection().latLonToProjBB(rect); // allow 
VerticalPerspectiveView to override
      minx = prect.getMinPoint().getX();
      miny = prect.getMinPoint().getY();
      maxx = prect.getMaxPoint().getX();
      maxy = prect.getMaxPoint().getY();

      see ProjectionImpl.latLonToProjBB2()
      Projection dataProjection = getProjection();
      ProjectionPoint ll = dataProjection.latLonToProj(llpt, new 
      ProjectionPoint ur = dataProjection.latLonToProj(urpt, new 
      ProjectionPoint lr = dataProjection.latLonToProj(lrpt, new 
      ProjectionPoint ul = dataProjection.latLonToProj(ulpt, new 

      minx = Math.min(ll.getX(), ul.getX());
      miny = Math.min(ll.getY(), lr.getY());
      maxx = Math.max(ur.getX(), lr.getX());
      maxy = Math.max(ul.getY(), ur.getY()); */

    CoordinateAxis xaxis = getXHorizAxis();
    CoordinateAxis yaxis = getYHorizAxis();

    if ((xaxis instanceof CoordinateAxis1D) && (yaxis instanceof 
CoordinateAxis1D)) {
      CoordinateAxis1D xaxis1 = (CoordinateAxis1D) xaxis;
      CoordinateAxis1D yaxis1 = (CoordinateAxis1D) yaxis;

      int minxIndex = xaxis1.findCoordElementBounded(minx);
      int minyIndex = yaxis1.findCoordElementBounded(miny);

      int maxxIndex = xaxis1.findCoordElementBounded(maxx);
      int maxyIndex = yaxis1.findCoordElementBounded(maxy);

      List<Range> list = new ArrayList<Range>();
      list.add(new Range(Math.min(minyIndex, maxyIndex), Math.max(minyIndex, 
      list.add(new Range(Math.min(minxIndex, maxxIndex), Math.max(minxIndex, 
      return list;

    } else if ((xaxis instanceof CoordinateAxis2D) && (yaxis instanceof 
CoordinateAxis2D) && isLatLon()) {
      CoordinateAxis2D lon_axis = (CoordinateAxis2D) xaxis;
      CoordinateAxis2D lat_axis = (CoordinateAxis2D) yaxis;
      int shape[] = lon_axis.getShape();
      int nj = shape[0];
      int ni = shape[1];

      int mini = Integer.MAX_VALUE, minj = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
      int maxi = -1, maxj = -1;

      // brute force, examine every point
      for (int j = 0; j < nj; j++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < ni; i++) {
          double lat = lat_axis.getCoordValue(j, i);
          double lon = lon_axis.getCoordValue(j, i);

          if ((lat >= miny) && (lat <= maxy) && (lon >= minx) && (lon <= maxx)) 
            if (i > maxi) maxi = i;
            if (i < mini) mini = i;
            if (j > maxj) maxj = j;
            if (j < minj) minj = j;
            //System.out.println(j+" "+i+" lat="+lat+" lon="+lon);

      // this is the case where no points are included
      if ((mini > maxi) || (minj > maxj)) {
        mini = 0;
        minj = 0;
        maxi = -1;
        maxj = -1;

      ArrayList<Range> list = new ArrayList<Range>();
      list.add(new Range(minj, maxj));
      list.add(new Range(mini, maxi));
      return list;

    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("must be 1D or 2D/LatLon ");


  /* private int getCrossing(CoordinateAxis2D axis) {
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
      if (axis.getCoordValue(i,j) > min) return i;
  } */

  /* private GeneralPath bbShape = null;
 public Shape getLatLonBoundingShape() {
   if (isLatLon())
     return getBoundingBox();

   if (bbShape == null) {
     ProjectionRect bb = getBoundingBox();
     Projection displayProjection = displayMap.getProjection();
     Projection dataProjection = getProjection();

     bbShape = new GeneralPath();

     LatLonPoint llpt = dataProjection.projToLatLon( bb.getX(), bb.getY());
     ProjectionPoint pt = displayProjection.latLonToProj( llpt);
     bbShape.lineTo(pt.getX(), pt.getY());

     llpt = dataProjection.projToLatLon( bb.getX(), bb.getY()+bb.getHeight());
     pt = displayProjection.latLonToProj( llpt);
     bbShape.lineTo(pt.getX(), pt.getY());

     llpt = dataProjection.projToLatLon( bb.getX()+bb.getWidth(), 
     pt = displayProjection.latLonToProj( llpt);
     bbShape.lineTo(pt.getX(), pt.getY());

     llpt = dataProjection.projToLatLon( bb.getX()+bb.getWidth(), bb.getY());
     pt = displayProjection.latLonToProj( llpt);
     bbShape.lineTo(pt.getX(), pt.getY());


   return bbShape;
 } */

   * String representation.
  public String toString() {
    StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(200);
    buff.append("(").append(getName()).append(") ");

    /* if (xdim >= 0) buff.append("x="+xaxis.getName()+",");
    if (ydim >= 0) buff.append("y="+yaxis.getName()+",");
    if (zdim >= 0) buff.append("z="+zaxis.getName()+",");
    if (tdim >= 0) buff.append("t="+taxis.getName()); */

    //if (proj != null)
    // buff.append("  Projection:" + proj.getName() + " " + 
    return buff.toString();


  private void makeLevels() {
    levels = new ArrayList<NamedObject>();
    if (vertZaxis == null)

    int n = (int) vertZaxis.getSize();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      levels.add(new NamedAnything(vertZaxis.getCoordName(i), 

  private void makeTimes() {
    times = new ArrayList<NamedObject>();
    if ((timeTaxis == null) || (timeTaxis.getSize() == 0))
    int n = (int) timeTaxis.getSize();
    timeDates = new Date[n];

    // see if it has a valid udunits unit
    try {
      DateUnit du = null;
      String units = timeTaxis.getUnitsString();
      if (units != null)
        du = new DateUnit(units);
      DateFormatter formatter = new DateFormatter();
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        Date d = du.makeDate(timeTaxis.getCoordValue(i));
        String name = formatter.toDateTimeString(d);
        if (name == null)  // LOOK bug in udunits ??
          name = Double.toString(timeTaxis.getCoordValue(i));
        times.add(new NamedAnything(name, "date/time"));
        timeDates[i] = d;
      isDate = true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // ok to fall through

    // otherwise, see if its a String, and if we can parse the values as an ISO 
    if ((timeTaxis.getDataType() == DataType.STRING) || 
(timeTaxis.getDataType() == DataType.CHAR)) {
      isDate = true;
      DateFormatter formatter = new DateFormatter();
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        String coordValue = timeTaxis.getCoordName(i);
        Date d = formatter.getISODate(coordValue);
        if (d == null) {
          isDate = false;
          times.add(new NamedAnything(coordValue, timeTaxis.getUnitsString()));
        } else {
          times.add(new NamedAnything(formatter.toDateTimeString(d), 
          timeDates[i] = d;

    // otherwise
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      times.add(new NamedAnything(timeTaxis.getCoordName(i), 


  private static class NamedAnything implements NamedObject {
    private String name, desc;

    NamedAnything(String name, String desc) { = name;
      this.desc = desc;

    public String getName() {
      return name;

    public String getDescription() {
      return desc;

    public String toString() {
      return name;

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