[thredds] <dataSize> embedded within <metadata> within <dataset> not picked up by NetCDF-Java Library.

  • To: thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [thredds] <dataSize> embedded within <metadata> within <dataset> not picked up by NetCDF-Java Library.
  • From: Hannah Wilcox <hannah@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 10:24:52 -0700

I am using the NetCDF-Java Library to parse TDS configuration THREDDS catalogs and I've run into a sticky point that I'm hoping you can help sort out. I have an example TDS configuration file which I can read in and validate using the NetCDF-Java Library, but a certain piece of information I'm expecting to see is either NOT there, or in a place I'm not looking. The piece of information is a dataSize for a dataset. The twist here is that the dataSize is embedded within a metadata tag thusly:

<dataset name="Atmosphere" ID="cgcm3.1_t47_atmos" serviceName="gridded">
                                <metadata inherited="false">
<dataSize units="Kbytes">439.78</dataSize>

The specification says that a <dataset> can contain an element of the threddsMetadataGroup which contains <metadata> and <metadata> can contain elements of the threddsMetadataGroup which includes <dataSize>. However when I look at the InvDatasetImpl that this example produces, getDataSize() returns 0.0 and I cannot see the size in any of the metadata structures.

My questions are:

-  Is this a valid structure?

- If it is a valid structure, is there a reason the size element of an InvDatasetImpl is not populated with the dataSize from this structure?

- If it isn't a valid structure, can that somehow be noted or changed in the specification?

Thanks for your time,

Hannah Wilcox

Software Engineer in the VETS group

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