NcML aggregation in TDS

I have problems with NcML aggregation in my TDS catalog.
I don't know how extracting date coordinates from a filename for a joinNew type.

Here is my catalog.xml :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<catalog name="THREDDS Server Mercator Catalog"

  <service name="OpenDAP" serviceType="OpenDAP" base="/thredds/dodsC/"/>

<dataset name="Aggregation Catalog" ID="psy3v1_med_agg" urlPath="psy3v1_med_agg">
    <dimension name="time" length="0"/>
    <variable name="time" type="int" shape="time">
      <attribute name="_CoordinateAxisType" value="Time"/>
      <attribute name="units" value="days since 1950-01-01 00:00"/>
    <netcdf xmlns="";>
       <aggregation dimName="time" type="joinNew">
         <variableAgg name="temperature"/>
         <variableAgg name="salinity"/>
         <variableAgg name="u"/>
         <variableAgg name="v"/>
         <variableAgg name="kz"/>
         <variableAgg name="ssh"/>
         <variableAgg name="mld"/>
         <variableAgg name="mlp"/>
         <variableAgg name="taux"/>
         <variableAgg name="tauy"/>
         <variableAgg name="qtot"/>
         <variableAgg name="emp"/>
         <variableAgg name="qsr"/>
<scan dateFormatMark="test_#yyyyMMdd" location="/data/mercator/developpement/goblet/data/psy3v1/med/best/" suffix=".nc" subdirs="false"/>

I have 6 test files in the directory : from to

And I get an error from Ferret :

yes? use "http://opendap-dev:8880/thredds/dodsC/psy3v1_med_agg";

** netcdf error

yes? show data

name title I J K L TIME ... ... ... ...
       (invalid coordinate axis)
temperature 1:409 1:187 1:40 1:6 SALINITY salinity 1:409 1:187 1:40 1:6 U zonal velocity 1:409 1:187 1:40 1:6 V meridian velocity 1:409 1:187 1:40 1:6 KZ vertical eddy diffusivity 1:409 1:187 1:40 1:6 SSH sea surface height 1:409 1:187 ... 1:6 MLD temperature ocean mixed layer t 1:409 1:187 ... 1:6 MLP density ocean mixed layer thick 1:409 1:187 ... 1:6
 TAUX     windstress eastward Tx componen  1:409     1:187     ...       1:6
 TAUY     windstress northward Ty compone  1:409     1:187     ...       1:6
QTOT total net heat flux 1:409 1:187 ... 1:6 EMP water flux 1:409 1:187 ... 1:6 QSR surface downward solar heat flu 1:409 1:187 ... 1:6

yes? show grid temperature

name axis # pts start end
 LONGITUDE            LONGITUDE     409mr         6W(-6)               45E
LATITUDE LATITUDE 187 i 30.023N 47.927N DEPTH DEPTH (m) 40 i- 0 4000 TIME T 6 r 1 6

Here is the "GetASCII" response (in OpenDAP) with the time checking :

Dataset {
    String time[time = 6];
} psy3v1_med_agg;
"2007-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2007-01-02T00:00:00Z", "2007-01-03T00:00:00Z", "2007-01-04T00:00:00Z", "2007-01-05T00:00:00Z", "2007-01-06T00:00:00Z"

I don't know why I got the Time like an invalid coordinate axis in Ferret.
However I don't know if the problem came from TDS or Ferret.
I will be glad if you can tell me how I can do this aggregation.


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