[Support #SLK-937856]: problem about TDS deploy

Hi Chengfang,

> I had deployed the TDS on two servers, they all were unsucessful,
> you can see the error from the follow website.
> TDS stable version 3.12
> http://geobrain.laits.gmu.edu:8099/thredds/catalog.html
> System Environment:
> Darwin Kernel Version 8.4.0, Power Macintosh powerpc
> Tomcat 5.0.28
> Java 1.5.0_05

Seems to be having a problem finding the catalog.xml file. In the 
${TOMCAT_HOME} directory, there should be a content/thredds directory and it 
should contain a catalog.xml file. If those don't exist, make sure the user 
that is running Tomcat has write permission in the ${TOMCAT_HOME} directory.
> http://laits.gmu.edu:8099/thredds/catalog.html
> System Environment:
> SunOS 5.8 Generic_108528-29 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-880
> Tomcat 5.0.28
> Java 1.5.0_06

I'm not sure what is going on here. Looks like something in the servlet 
initialization is running into different versions of the same class file. Can 
you look in the THREDDS log files to see if there is more information there. 
The log files are in ${TOMCAT_HOME}/content/thredds/logs and the one that might 
contain more information is called threddsServlet.log. If there isn't anything 
useful in there, take a look in the Tomcat log at 
> There is only one time I deploy TDS on Geobrain server, no other earlier 
> thredds.war on it.
> So could you help me to find what the problem with deploying?

Have you done multiple installs on your Sun machine? That could explain 
multiple instances of the same class file depending on how you deployed new 


> Thank you!
> Sincerely
> Chengfang

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SLK-937856
Department: Support THREDDS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open

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