Re: announce TDS version 3.8

It can, but theres no user interface to obtain one.
Are you thinking of the OIA batch thing or something else?

major@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Hey John,
Can the new data server output a DIF?

     /\               Gene R. Major
    /  \       Global Change Master Directory
   /    \    Science Systems and Applications, Inc.
  / GCMD \       major@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
 /        \         (301) 867-2088
/__________\        (301) 867-2149

On Tue, 28 Mar 2006, John Caron wrote:

A new, stable release of the THREDDS Data Server 3.8 is now running on

The new war file is available at

Besides various bug fixes, the previously announced CDM Validator servlet is now at:
Please use this from now on; the server at 9080 is our experimental server that may not give accurate results.

We also are now tracking detailed inventory of NCEP model output, eg: These are all linked from the "collection dataset" pages; For example from choose the top "CONUS_12_km" link, then choose "Available Inventory" Documentation.


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