Re: THREDDS : need help for aggregation

Hi Tony:

Can you figure out if theres a problem with the TDS vs a problem with ferret?

A couple of ways of doing that:
 1) use the browser interface to look at the TDS output to see if its what you 
 2) use another dods client like the Nj22 ToolsUI.

Since I dont know how ferret works, its hard for me to figure out this problem.

Tony Jolibois wrote:

This version seems to be very interesting, thank you !
I need little help to reproduce the actual aggregations :

The configuration I try is this :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<catalog name="THREDDS Server Default Catalog"

<service name="ncdods" serviceType="OPENDAP" base="/thredds/dodsC/" />

<dataset name="Mercator Psy2v1 Aggregation" ID="mercator_psy2v1_vitrine_id" urlPath="mercatorPsy2v1R1v_nat_mean_best_estimate">

  <dimension name="time" length="0"/>
  <variable name="time" type="String" shape="time">
    <attribute name="_CoordinateAxisType" value="Time" />

  <netcdf xmlns="";>
   <aggregation dimName="time" type="joinNew">
     <variableAgg name="temperature" />
<scan dateFormatMark="mercatorPsy2v1R1v_nat_mean_#yyyyMMdd" location="/data/mercator/tomcat/webapps/dodsC/data/mercator_psy2v1_vitrine/nat_agg/" suffix=".nc" />


The directory of the scan location contains 28 files like with 1rst date increasing (day per day).

With all this I get an error from ferret :
yes? use "";
 ** netCDF error:
yes? show data
     currently SET data sets:
1> (default)
 name     title                             I         J         K         L
 TIME                                      ...       ...       ...       ...
       (invalid coordinate axis)
temperature 1:652 1:463 1:43 1:28 yes? show grid temperature
 name       axis              # pts   start                end
 LONGITUDE LONGITUDE          652mi   98.5W(-98.5)         9.999E(10)
 LATITUDE  LATITUDE           463 i   9.127N               64.937N
 DEPTH     DEPTH (m)           43 i-  0                    5500
 TIME      T                   28 r   1                    28

I don't know how can I have date like 2005-01-11 in the grid.
Can you tell me how can I do this ?

Thanks for your help,

John Caron wrote:

Tony Jolibois wrote:

   Hi John and thredds community,

Does the thredds Opendap server have aggregation functionnality now (see question below) ? I'm waiting for the new version to upgrade my operationnal sever (example here

Best regards,

Yes, the "THREDDS Data Server" (TDS) has the functionality of the old "Aggregation Server", but it used NcML to specify the aggregation. See:

and follow links to :

Tony Jolibois

CLS - Direction Océanographie Spatiale
8-10 rue hermès - 31520 Ramonville Saint-Agne

Tél : +33 (0) 561 393 797
Fax : +33 (0) 561 393 782

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