Re: converting from "classic" Unidata ag. server to TDS

On Thursday 26 January 2006 17:32, you(Rich Signell) wrote:
> How do I know what supporting packages I need?
> use lib qw(/export/home/nersc/Perl/lib/perl5
>            /export/home/nersc/Perl/lib/perl5/site_perl);

These are of course something I forgot to say, this is where *I* have *my* 
libraries. Remove them (or change them). There is also some other things to 
consider, please read the updated webpage.

> use Date::Calc qw(Delta_Days);
> use Data::Dumper;
> use List::Util qw(min max);
> use XML::Writer;
> use IO::File;
> use File::Glob ':glob';
> use Getopt::Long;
> So I tried serching my /usr/bin/perl5 directory tree:
> - I can find Data:Dumper
> ./5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/Data/
> - I can find List::Util
> ./5.8.5/List/
> - I can find Getopt::Long
> ./5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/IO/
> but
> - I can NOT find Date::Calc
> Is this what I want:

Don't know. I mostly use cpan or linux-rpms. See further down to explanation.

> - I can NOT find XML::Writer
> Is this what I want:


Crash course in perl modules (on unix/linux):
This is where to go for packages:
You can either install them as explained at or use the cpan or 
cpanplus package. Try executing 'cpanp' or 'cpan' in a terminal. If you have 
never used them before, I recommend cpanplus. It usually installs with your 
standard linux repository or equivalent (yum,apt,rpm,etc.). Try googling if 
Your OS's repository might also have a lot of modules, try searching there as 
well. If you don't have root-access or want to install it on a windows/dos 
machine I recommend reading the install instructions at

Bjørge Solli - Office:+47 55205847 cellph.:+47 91614343
Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center - Bergen, Norway Reception: +47 55205800
Dept.: Mohn-Sverdrup Center for Global Ocean Studies 
       and Operational Oceanography

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