Anyone with successful aggregation?

Happy New Year everyone.

I am currently struggling a bit trying to get a correct XML-file to use ncml and the aggregation provided there. I have followed the example on but I can't get it to work. I use TDS 3.4. Is there a working demo-server somewhere doing an aggregation, or maybe someone else has got a working xml-file?

My XML-file dones't produce any errors, but there is no link to the aggregated set.

My XML-file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<catalog name="DODS Aggregation Server Catalog MERSEA Class 1 - Arctic" version="1.0.1" xmlns="\0"; xmlns:xlink="";>
  <service name="TOPAZ" serviceType="OPENDAP" base="/thredds/dodsC" />
<dataset name="Best estimate - Arctic" urlPath="mersea-ip-topaz-class1-arctic-be">
   <netcdf xmlns="";>
    <aggregation dimName="time" type="JoinNew">
<scan dateFormatMark="topaz_V2_mersea_arctic_grid1to8_da_class1_b20051102_f#yyyyMMddHHmm" location="/localdata/thredds" suffix=".nc" />

PS. I am wondering what to send to support and what to send to the list, can someone please explain whitch is for what use?

Bjørge Solli - Office:+47 55205847 cellph.:+47 91614343
Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center - Bergen, Norway Reception: +47 55205800
Dept.: Mohn-Sverdrup Center for Global Ocean Studies
       and Operational Oceanography

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