DQC tools

What's the status of DQC? I'm able to get DQC documents using / thredds/dqc/latestModel.xml but I'm unable to get a catalog as a result. I've tried using NetCDF Tools 2.2 under THREDDS > DQC Chooser. When I try to "QueryAvailable" button when selecting a model, it gives me an "invalid Catalog" error message. It complains further that there's a URISyntaxException. When I try it by hand in a browser -- that is, using /thredds/dqc/latestModel?models=eta_211 -- I get a 404 error.

I've tried this on both the motherlode server and my own installation.


Darren Hardy
Ph.D. Student
Bren School of Environmental Science & Management
University of California, Santa Barbara

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