setting up thredds


I am trying to create a thredds catalogue. I have used the primer to set up my first catalogue and
ran into the following error when attempting to execute

[govett@cray Thredds]$ java -classpath cataloggen-0.9.3.jar:jdom-b8.jar:dods.1.1.5.jar:log4j-1.2.7.jar thredds.cataloggen.CatalogGen myCatalogue.xml

It looks like I generateda catalogue correctly but what is the below error? "cos-nonambig ...."

Also, if there are multiple sites that contain the data I want, is there any way to indicate which site would deliver the data faster? Eg. - one might be on a massStorage system where the other is



[Error] :282:44: cos-nonambig: "":start and "":start (or elements from their substitution group) violate "Unique Particle Attribution". During validation against this schema, ambiguity would be created for those two particles.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<catalog xmlns=""; xmlns:xlink=""; name="My Data"> <service name="myserver" serviceType="DODS" base=""; />
<dataset name="my collection">
  <dataset name="My Model">
    <metadata inherited="true">
<dataset name="My Model 2002-08-15 12:00:00 GMT" urlPath="MAPP/" /> <dataset name="My Model 2002-08-15 00:00:00 GMT" urlPath="MAPP/" />

CatalogGen: the catalog was written to null.
[govett@cray Thredds]$

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