[Fwd: Grib-to-NetCDF problems] (fwd)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Grib-to-NetCDF problems
Date:   Fri, 20 May 2005 17:24:06 +0200
From:   Janßen Holger <Holger.Janssen@xxxxxx>
Organization:   UCAR/Unidata
To:     'netcdf-java@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' <netcdf-java@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


i currently try to read existing Grib-1 and Grib-2 data and create files in
the NetCDF format from these data. I ran into some problems:

1.) Most of my Grib files are not supported yet, as the center etc. is not
configured (missing table entries). I tried to add the tables myself, but
then i got an IOException:

GribServiceProvider open = 2004092000_000_2011_200.grib


could you make available or attach 2004092000_000_2011_200.grib if it's
only a couple of megs?   not knowing 2004092000_000_2011_200.grib format
it's impossible to answer your question.

the source code is still in beta development so any bugs that you find
would be helpfull to me to know about. there are some extra files in
the tar, don't be concerned about them. the code is GribJava.tar.gz and it
is located at:

% ftp www.unidata.ucar.edu
% cd pub/decoders
% get GribJava.tar.gz

in the top dir there is a run file with examples on how to run the grib
decoders programs. the getData needs to get the offset, ... other
parameters from the index to get the data. there's a IndexFormat.txt file
with a explanation of the index format. these are the routine that nj22
uses in it formulation of netcdf file.


Unknown Grid Type : 255
java.io.IOException: Negative seek offset
        at java.io.RandomAccessFile.seek(Native Method)
        at ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile.read_(RandomAccessFile.java:399)
        at ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile.seek(RandomAccessFile.java:214)
        at ucar.grib.grib1.Grib1Input.scan(Grib1Input.java:113)

2. Trying to read am ECMWF Grib-1 (which should work by default), resulted
in an NegativeArraySizeException:

GribServiceProvider open = ecmwf_00-003
        at ucar.grib.grib1.Grib1Input.scan(Grib1Input.java:92)

Any suggestions on these problems?
Besides: i could not find the source code for the classes in grib.jar. Are
they open source? If yes: Where can i get the sources? If no: which license
di you use here?

Thanks for you effort.

 Holger Janssen

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