Re: Error occurring in dods.dap.Parser

What if I used some kind of encryption to store those values? I could easily just use the hex for that character string instead, or some kind of hash, which would leave me in the alphanumerics, but I don't want to bend over backwards just to discover another name I can't have...


Well, I basically need to use the filename to form the database requests. The '=' sign is convenient, but I could use text manipulation to avoid that character if I had to. It's a perfectly legal filename but I can see that it might fool a parser. I had hoped to avoid using alphanumerics, because they might crop up in field names etc. The = sign is convenient because that's how the query is formed, but I could do a replace with any character outside the alphanumeric space...



Well. The problem is in your Dataset name:

} stream=ocea,param=200,DATE=20000101,TIME=0000,STEP=0,EXPVER=0oc7,CLASS= RD,TYPE=AN,NUMBER=0,METHOD=0,LEVELIST=7.000,LEVTYPE=DP,REPRES=LL,DOMAIN =G,;

The parser is barfing on the first "=" character (Line 58, column 9)

James? Is this in any way a legal name? If so, how does he need to "escape" the "=" (and possibly the ",") characters?

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