Re: P in OPenDAP


Actually its OPeNDAP, not OPenDAP.

And it stands for: Open-source Project for Network Data Access Protocol.

Regarding your question about the capitalization of the letter "P" in the acronym, I think that a more compelling question is: Why is there a lower case "e"?

For quite some time I thought that it was "OpenDAP = Open Data Access Protocol". I was however, misinformed.

As to your final question, I suspect that a violent revolution could be triggered by changing the capitalization of the acronym at this time.



PS - I pointed out to James that the web site does not contain the expansion of the acronym and he said he would address this oversight.

On Jan 26, 2005, at 4:56 PM, Tennessee Leeuwenburg wrote:

It's driving me nuts, and I can't find it anywhere. Why is the P in OPenDAP capitalised? Does anyone mind if I call it OpenDAP instead? :)


Nathan Potter              Oregon State University, COAS
ndp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   104 Ocean. Admin. Bldg.
541 737 2293 voice         Corvallis, OR   97331-5503
541 737 2064 fax

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