[python-users] MetPy 0.9.1 Released


MetPy 0.9.1 has been released. New features of the 0.9 series include:

* Renamed `get_wind_speed` to `wind_speed`; the old name is still available
but is deprecated and will be removed in 0.12
* Renamed `get_wind_dir` to `wind_direction`; the old name is still
available but is deprecated and will be removed in 0.12
* Renamed `get_wind_components` to `wind_components`; the old name is still
available but is deprecated and will be removed in 0.12
* Added support for cross-sections along arbitrary lat/lon paths
* Added `parcel_profile_with_lcl` to compute the parcel profile and return
values for the  parcel profile, as well as the ambient pressure,
temperature, and dew point that includes the lcl
* Fixed corner case problems in some thermodynamic calculations by using
parcel profiles including the LCL
* Added function to get a matplotlib color from a GEMPAK color number
* Added CartoPy map feature for U.S. counties
* `get_test_data` will now automatically download and cache data files if
the user is not running a git checkout of MetPy. This makes all of our
test/example data much more easily available.
* Added `smooth_gaussian`, which smooths a grid using a Gaussian
distribution-shaped kernel; this is an analog of GEMPAK's `gwfs`
* Fixed error reading newer NEXRAD Level 2 files


@akrherz, @JoyMonteiro, @jthielen, @leouieda, @sgdecker, @jrleeman, and
@dopplershift contributed code to this release.

For full release notes see the GitHub release page.

MetPy packages are available for Conda on the conda-forge channel
and for pip from the Python Package Index.

Let us know if you run into any problems, either at MetPy issue tracker,
using support-python@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, or on
this list.

You can also ask questions using the "MetPy" tag on Stack Overflow.


Ryan May, Ph.D.
Software Engineer
Boulder, CO
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