[noaaport] A word of caution about LDM-6.13.17

Good afternoon everyone,

I wanted to give you a heads up on something. For those of you who are running 
the LDM, you will note that the latest and supported version is 6.13.17. So 
far, I have noted two serious issues with this version:

  1.  Under CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 18.0.4 and 22.0.4, after you start the LDM, 
after an indeterminate amount of time, numerous errors occur and are seen in 
the logs, which ultimately causes the LDM to stop sending/receiving data, and 
corrupt the queue. UNIDATA is seeing and is actively working the issue, 
although they have not yet identified the culprit as of yet.
  2.  Under Ubuntu 18.0.4-22.0.4, the LDM will not compile with the 
'-with-noaaport' option without some modifications. Once those are implemented, 
it ingests and relays data fine, but it's still subject to bug #1 above if you 
are using Ubuntu 22.0.4. This is also being actively worked on by UNIDATA .

My recommendation is to hold off and use LDM 6.13.16, which runs without these 

Gilbert Sebenste
Meteorology Support Analyst
College of DuPage

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