[noaaport] Novra Compare

Last week I mentioned that our older solid dish has a lower Ctn than our newer mesh dish, and both are connected to the new Galaxy-28 Bird. Someone asked off-list, if I compared the Novras themselves, with each dish to ensure that it was not the Novras causing the discrepancy in values ... The phrase was used:

"I asked the question because we've been told that not all Novras are equal -- even at the same firmware level."

I did update the firmware on our older novra to V2R15, so we are essentially comparing apples to apples.

To compare, the Novras each remained connected to their same relays, and the input from the dishes were switched so that we would receive a clean and concise comparison.

Note here:

that our mesh dish shows 15.6 to 15.7 between the two Novras, which is just fine, as it took a bit for me to login, connect to the novra, and take a screen cap, and values always due tend to slightly fluctuate a tiny bit

the solid dish remains roughly the same as well at 13.7 to 13.9

So while some apparently have the view that all Novras are not equal, I can say in our case, comparing two Novras purchased at different times, both updated to the lastest firmware display roughly the same signal quality decoding characteristics. Having used Novras for many years, I've never had a problem with them.

If you look at our live values, the Ctn charts made via a custom munin plugin, show a drop just a bit before 1pm central time, that is where the feed was switched between the dishes. My munin charts are roughly 5 minute averages, but the values at the top are updated every 10 seconds, so it's not surprising the solid dish value did not show.


Happy Data!



Patrick L. Francis


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