Re: [noaaport] [ldm-users] The big day has come: GOES-16 is here! At least experimentally...

  • To: Pete Pokrandt <poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [noaaport] [ldm-users] The big day has come: GOES-16 is here! At least experimentally...
  • From: Ryan Hickman <ryan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2017 13:35:12 -0600
I don't see it using the "ANY" type, so this must be some sort of
non-operational outage.

They began their "Field Campaign" (calibration) yesterday, per

On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 1:32 PM, Pete Pokrandt <poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> No GOES16 data on the NOTHER feed since 13:45 CDT // 18:45 UTC. Just a
> Pre-op outage? or did it switch to a different feed or ??
> Pete
> <>
> --
> Pete Pokrandt - Systems Programmer
> UW-Madison Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
> 608-262-3086 <(608)%20262-3086>  - poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> ------------------------------
> *From:* ldm-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <ldm-users-bounces@unidata.
>> on behalf of Gilbert Sebenste <gilbert@xxxxxxx>
> *Sent:* Thursday, March 2, 2017 1:17 AM
> *To:* ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; NOAAPORT
> *Subject:* [ldm-users] The big day has come: GOES-16 is here! At least
> experimentally...
> Hello everyone,
> The big day is here! GOES-16 data is  going to be transmitted today over
> NOAAport/SBN! Sent in netCDF4 format, it’s the day we’ve been waiting for
> since the bird was launched successfully into orbit. For those of you who
> are eager to view this experimental imagery (and if you put it on your
> websites, NOAA requests that you clearly label the imagery as
> experimental!), I’d like to make some comments and, for those who have
> receivers, a few “gotchas” to avoid.
> 1.      First: I have no idea whether or not UNIDATA is ready to receive
> these products, and disseminate them over the IDD today. Hopefully, someone
> there will comment on this aspect of it.
> 2.      For those who have Novra NOAAport receivers: make sure you are
> running V2R15 firmware. If you do not have this installed, be ready for
> plenty of packet losses and false VBER reports . If you do not have a
> Novra, but something else…make sure you have the latest supported, non-beta
> firmware on it. Make sure you are able to receive pid 108. That’s what the
> products will be sent on.
> 3.      For those who have any NOAAport receivers: If your Carrier to
> Noise (C/N), aka Signal to Noise (S/N) is less than 17, you MIGHT see
> considerable amounts of lost packets. Always point your dish to receive the
> highest C/N or S/N, NOT signal strength!
> 4.      If you are seeing reception problems, first check your coax
> connectors. They are the most common points of failure of getting
> acceptable reception. On cable runs longer than 50’, use RG-11 cable.
> The announcement for this was sent out yesterday in a SCN. Here it is, for
> those who missed it. Go get ‘em, folks!
> Gilbert
> 273
> NOUS41 KWBC 011845
> Service Change Notice 17-24
> National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring, MD
> 245 PM EST Wed Mar 1 2017
> To: Subscribers:
>  -NOAA Weather Wire Service
>  -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network
>  Other NWS Partners and NWS Employees
> From: Joseph Pica
>  Director, NWS Office of Observations
> Subject: Add Geostationary Operational Environmental
>  Satellite-16 (GOES-16) Imagery to the Satellite
>  Broadcast Network (SBN or NOAAPORT), effective
>  March 2, 2017
> Effective on or after Thursday, March 2, 2017, at approximately
> 18UTC, GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Sectorized Cloud
> and Moisture Imagery (SCMI) will be added to the SBN (also known
> The SBN feed of GOES-16 ABI imagery will be in a pre-operational
> validation and testing phase through approximately November
> 2017. NOAA\'s GOES-16 satellite has not been declared operational
> and its data are preliminary and undergoing testing. Users
> receiving these data through any dissemination means assume all
> risk related to their use of GOES-16 data and NOAA disclaims any
> and all warranties, whether express or implied, including
> (without limitation) any implied warranties of merchantability
> or fitness for a particular purpose.
> This preliminary imagery is being added to enable the testing of
> networks and systems with actual GOES-16 imagery and so that
> users will be able to evaluate the imagery during this
> validation/test period. It is not recommended that this
> preliminary imagery be used in operational forecast processes,
> especially during the initial months of this validation/test
> period.  Any downstream postings of these data should clearly
> convey their preliminary, non-operational and in-testing nature.
> Furthermore, this data stream may be subject to temporary
> unannounced data outages during this validation and testing
> period. One or more follow-on notices will provide information
> on the progress and conclusion of the validation period.
> Refer to prior Technical Implementation Notice 15-24, which
> introduced simulated GOES-R data to the SBN.
> r_imagery.htm
> Eventually, the SBN will carry a range of GOES-16 products.
> This notice concerns only the addition of GOES-16 ABI imagery.
> A future notice will be issued for other GOES-16 products that
> will be added to the SBN at a later date.
> GOES-16 is stationed over its designated 89.5 degrees west
> longitude station. From this location, it is undergoing checkout
> and validation and is not yet designated GOES East or West.
> Nevertheless, the SBN\'s GOES-R East channel (PID 108) will be
> used to disseminate the GOES-16 imagery, at least until the time
> when the spacecraft is repositioned to its final operational
> station. For the foreseeable future, the operational GOES-East
> (GOES-13) and GOES-West (GOES-15) data will remain unchanged on
> SBN PIDs 102 (for CONUS imagery) and 104 (for OCONUS imagery).
> The WMO headers for the GOES-16 imagery are as follows, with
> references to the 11 character template:
> Template: T1 T2 A1 A2 ii CCCC
>  T1 = T
>  T2 = I
>  A1 = R for large-scale (non-mesoscale) sectors
>     = S for mesoscale sectors
>  A2   Where A1=R, for large-scale (non-mesoscale) sectors, A2
>       corresponds to geographical sectors as follows:
>     = A for the Alaska Regional sector
>     = E for the East CONUS sector
>     = H for the Hawaii Regional sector
>     = P for the Puerto Rico Regional sector
>     = S for the East Full Disk
>     = T for the West Full Disk
>     = W for the West CONUS sector
>       Where A1=S, for mesoscale sectors, A2 values corresponds
>       to geographical latitude/longitude areas as follows:
>     = A for 45 deg. N <= Lat. < 60 deg. N and
>      120 deg. W < Long. <= 135 deg W
>     = B for 45 deg. N <= Lat. < 60 deg. N and
>      105 deg. W < Long. <= 120 deg. W
>     = C for 45 deg. N <= Lat. < 60 deg. N and
>      90 deg. W < Long. <= 105 deg. W
>     = D for 45 deg. N <= Lat. < 60 deg. N and
>      75 deg. W < Long. <=  90 deg. W
>     = E for 45 deg. N <= Lat. < 60 deg. N and
>      60 deg. W < Long. <=  75 deg. W
>     = F for 30 deg. N <= Lat. < 45 deg. N and
>      120 deg. W < Long. <= 135 deg. W
>     = G for 30 deg. N <= Lat. < 45 deg. N and
>      105 deg. W < Long. <= 120 deg. W
>     = H for 30 deg. N <= Lat. < 45 deg. N and
>      90 deg. W < Long. <= 105 deg. W
>     = I for 30 deg. N <= Lat. < 45 deg. N and
>      75 deg. W < Long. <=  90 deg. W
>     = J for 30 deg. N <= Lat. < 45 deg. N and
>      60 deg. W < Long. <=  75 deg. W
>     = K for 15 deg. N <= Lat. < 30 deg. N and
>      120 deg. W < Long. <= 135 deg. W
>     = L for 15 deg. N <= Lat. < 30 deg. N and
>      105 deg. W < Long. <= 120 deg. W
>     = M for 15 deg. N <= Lat. < 30 deg. N and
>      90 deg. W < Long. <= 105 deg. W
>     = N for 15 deg. N <= Lat. < 30 deg. N and
>      75 deg. W < Long. <=  90 deg. W
>     = O for 15 deg. N <= Lat. < 30 deg. N and
>      60 deg. W < Long. <=  75 deg. W
>     = P for 0 deg. N <= Lat. < 15 deg. N and
>      90 deg. W < Long. <= 135 deg. W
>     = Q for 0 deg. N <= Lat. < 15 deg. N and
>      60 deg. W < Long. <=  90 deg. W
>     = R for 45 deg. N <= Lat. < 90 deg. N and
>      135 deg. W < Long. <= 180 deg. W
>     = S for 0 deg. N <= Lat. < 45 deg. N and
>      135 deg. W < Long. <= 180 deg. W
>     = T for 60 deg. N <= Lat. < 90 deg. N and
>      90 deg. E < Long. <= 135 deg. W
>     = U for 0 deg. N <= Lat. < 60 deg. N and
>      90 deg. E < Long. <=  60 deg. W
>     = V for 0 deg. N <= Lat. < 90 deg. N and
>      180 deg. W < Long. <=  90 deg. E
>     = W and X are reserved for future use
>     = Y for 90 deg. S <= Lat. <  0 deg. S and
>      105 deg. W < Long. <=  90 deg. E
>     = Z for 90 deg. S <= Lat. <  0 deg. S and
>      90 deg. E < Long. <= 105 deg. W
> Where mesoscale boxes T, U and Z extend across the prime
> meridian (0 deg. longitude) and boxes V and Y extend across the
> International Dateline (180 deg. longitude).  Sector boundaries
> of 0 deg. N or 0 deg. S refer to the equator.  The "<=" symbols
> refer to "less than or equal to."  Note that some of the regions
> above are out of range from GOES-16 at its current location, but
> these regions could be within range after the satellites
> station changes.
>  ii = ABI channel number (01 - 16); between the ii and CCCC is
>       a space
>  CCCC = KNES (signifies that NESDIS is the creating data
>  center)
> During this test and evaluation period, some sectors will be
> unavailable, and the set of available sectors will change.
> Until recently, these headers had been used to disseminate
> simulated imagery on the GOES-R East channel for GOES-R testing.
> Tests of simulated GOES-R Series imagery will occur, at times,
> on the GOESR West channel of the SBN.
> The file format for these products is netCDF4.
> Additional information about this new data stream (including
> headers, file-format descriptions, sector definitions, sample
> files and further information) has been posted at the following
> web site and will be periodically updated:
> Critical weather or other factors could delay the activation of
> these products on the SBN.
> For questions pertaining to this change or upcoming plans for
> the addition of GOES-16 products onto NOAAPORT, please contact:
>     Brian Gockel
>     NOAA/NWS Office of Observations
>     Surface and Upper Air Division, Services Branch
>     Silver Spring, MD 20910
>     Email: Brian.Gockel@xxxxxxxx
> For questions regarding the scientific or technical content of
> the NOAAPORT-disseminated SCMI please contact:
>     ESPC Help Desk
>     Suitland, Maryland 20746
>     Phone: 301-817-3880
>     Email: ESPCOperations@xxxxxxxx
> National Service Change Notices are online at:
> *Gilbert Sebenste*
> Staff Meteorologist
> Environmental Health and Safety
> Labs for Wellness 154 | DeKalb, Illinois 60115
> 815-753-5492 <(815)%20753-5492>
> *gilbert@xxxxxxx <gilbert@xxxxxxx>*
> Everyone. Home. Safely.
> [image: NIU]
> _______________________________________________
> NOTE: All exchanges posted to Unidata maintained email lists are
> recorded in the Unidata inquiry tracking system and made publicly
> available through the web.  Users who post to any of the lists we
> maintain are reminded to remove any personal information that they
> do not want to be made public.
> ldm-users mailing list
> ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> For list information or to unsubscribe,  visit:

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