[noaaport] dvbs vs dvbs2 the sequel

in following gilbert's advice again :), i made the
changes in /etc/sysctl.conf, as well as upgraded
the firmware (which incidentally, michael bradford
from novra said that within a month or so, we will
be able to use cmcs for firmware updates, instead of
having to use the gui!)... the results were much
improved from last week.

statistics since this morning:

missing fragments via Novra S200 -- dvbs1 stream:
ldm@dc1noaa01:~/logs$ grep -c Missing dvbs.log

missing fragments via Novra S300 -- dvbs2 stream:
ldm@dc1noaa02:~/logs$ grep -c Missing dvbs.log

Gap Errors via Novra S200 -- dvbs1 stream:
ldm@dc1noaa01:~/logs$ grep -c Gap ldmd.log

Gap Errors via Novra S300 -- dvbs2 stream:
ldm@dc1noaa02:~/logs$ grep -c Gap ldmd.log

for my downstream feeds, i will continue running
both streams for a few more weeks, just in case
something should happen, then probably a week
before the final switch, i will revert to
the s300 dvsb2 stream only.

fyi my current stats after splitting the main
lnb feed to the s300

CMCS> show satellite
        Satellite Interface Settings:

        Receiver MAC Address:   00-06-76-05-02-ac
        Receiver Mode:          DVBS2
        Frequency:              1154.0 MHz
        Symbol Rate:            15.120 Msps (Auto)
        ModCod:                 2/3 8PSK
        Gold code:              0
        Input Stream Filter:    On
        Input Stream ID:        13

        Signal Lock:            On
        Data Lock:              On
        Uncorrectable Rate:     0/Second
        Packet Error Rate:      0.0000e+00

        Carrier to Noise C/N:   11.5dB
        Signal Strength:        -51 dBm

 Patrick L. Francis
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 WeatherNation LLC
 Email: wxprofessor@xxxxxxxxx
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 Skype: wxprofessor
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