[netcdfgroup] netCDF Operators NCO version 4.9.0 are woke

The netCDF Operators NCO version 4.9.0 are woke.

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What's new?

Version 4.9.0 includes new regridder features, JSON, and ncap2 fixes.
Notably, this version simplifies the weight-application interface,
parallelizes ncremap in stand-alone mode, and completely revamps,
improves, and accelerates the sub-gridscale weight application

The NCO conservative weight-generator algorithm also debuts.
Previously, ncremap always used ESMF or TempestRemap to make weights.
Use 'ncremap -a nco' to get NCO's conservative weight generation.
NCO will always support ESMF and TR which are more time-tested.
However, NCO has some unique features, like an option to output the
overlap mesh in SCRIP format, and it performs best for some grids.

Work on NCO 4.9.1 has commenced and will improve NCO weight-generator
accuracy, reduce vertical interpolation memory use, and supply more
accurate weight generation options for rectangular lat-lon grids.

Work on NCO 5.0.0 has commenced "under the hood". A key leap in that
release will be support for netCDF4 user-defined types. Printing of
netCDF4 user-defined types ENUM and VLEN is ready now (though
unsupported) with the --udt flag. 5.0.0 will contain the finished
version of that, and include options for invoking mbtempest in place
of tempest.


NEW FEATURES (full details always in ChangeLog):

A. ncremap has been refactored for full parallelism.
   Previously the standalone ncremap could only run parallelized
   when invoked with pure weight application requests.
   Special processing like CLM/ELM sub-gridscale regridding or MPAS
   juggling only worked with single file invocations (which is what
   ncclimo always requests). Now the standalone ncremap is
   parallelized and adheres to --job_nbr control for all regridding
   in standalone invocations, meaning that regridding lists of files
   offline with MPI or background parallelism is now much quicker:
   ls cam/*.nc | ncremap --job_nbr=4 --par_typ=mpi -m map.nc
   ls mpas/*.nc | ncremap -P mpas -j 4 -p mpi -m map.nc
   ls elm/*.nc | ncremap --sgs_frc=landfrac -j 16 -m map.nc

B. ncremap has a new API for sub-gridscale (SGS) regridding.
   Previously ncremap employed a convoluted and slow procedure to
   remap data with sub-gridscale fractions, e.g., CLM/ELM, CICE,
   and MPAS-Seaice data. That procedure and ncremap API used to
   require specification of the source and destination grids.
   The new, faster ncremap SGS procedure requires only the map-file
   and the name of the sub-gridscale fraction field.
   The -P sgs option is no longer required, thought is still accepted
   for back-compatibility.
   ncremap --sgs_frc=landfrac -m map.nc # CLM/ELM
   ncremap --sgs_frc=frc.nc/landfrac -m map.nc # CLM/ELM external
   ncremap -P elm -m map.nc # CLM/ELM alternative
   ncremap --sgs_frc=aice --sgs_msk=tmask -m map.nc # CICE
   ncremap -P cice -m map.nc # CICE alternative
   ncremap --sgs_frc=timeMonthly_avg_iceAreaCell -m map.nc # MPAS-Seaice
   ncremap -P mpasseaice -m map.nc # MPAS-Seaice alternative

C. ncremap supports the new NCO weight generation algorithm.
   The NCO algorithm is first-order conservative and compares
   well in accuracy with other FV algorithms such as ERWG and TR.
   Special thanks to Henry Butowsky for his dedication to this.
   We evaluated ERWG "conserve", NCO "nco", and TR "mono" with
   --chk_map (see below) on the E3SMv1 lo-res and hi-res grids.
   The three algorithms generally agree to 10-13 significant digits.
   ESMF won for atm->atm remapping, and NCO for ocn->atm remapping,
   both by razor-thin margins. YMMV.
   We hope users will try the NCO algorithm and send feedback.
   NCO weight-generation is threaded and scales well to 3-4 threads.
   ncremap -a nco -s grd_src.nc -d grd_dst.nc -m map.nc in.nc out.nc
   ncremap -t 4 -a nco -s grd_src.nc -d grd_dst.nc -m map.nc

D. ncks supports a new option --chk_map to evaluate the quality of
   regridding weights. This option works with map-files (not
   grid-files) in ESMF/CMIP6-compliant format (i.e., sparse matrix
   S and coordinates [xy][ab]_[cv]). When invoked with the additional
   --area_wgt option (also new), the evaluation statistics are
   area-weighted and thus reflect exactly the global-mean/min/max/
   mebs/rms/sdn biases expected when regridding globally uniform
   fields. This tool makes it easier to objectively assess
   weight-generation algorithms, and will hopefully assist in their
   ncks --chk_map map.nc
   ncks --chk_map --area_wgt map.nc

E. ncremap works with newer MPAS Ocean files that contain BGC
   dimensions like R3 and FOUR.
   ncremap -P mpas -m map_bilin.nc in.nc out.nc

F. ncremap now propagates all netCDF formats except CDF5 to
   TempestRemap (TR) (which does not yet accept or produce CDF5 files

G. ncremap omits the TR --volumetric flag from fv2se_stt maps.
   TempestRemap author Paul Ullrich recommends this to keep fv2se_stt
   maps consistent (producing output in same range) with fv2se_flx maps.
   ncremap -a fv2se_stt -s grd_src.nc -d grd_dst.nc -m map.nc in.nc out.nc

H. ncremap allows simultaneous invocation of horizontal and vertical
   regridding. Yes, now ncremap can automagically regrid any file
   to any new horizontal and vertical grid at the same time.
   Simply supply both a map-file and a vertical grid-file:
   ncremap -m map.nc --vrt=vrt_grd.nc in.nc out.nc

I. ncremap/ncclimo have deprecated support for options named for the
   short-lived ALM land surface model. Use 'elm' instead of 'alm',
   ncremap -P elm -m map.nc

J. NCO supports flexible options to specify non-default names for
   vertical grid coordinates in input and output (vertically
   interpolated) data files.
   ncks --rgr plev_nm=vrt_nm --vrt=vrt_grd.nc in.nc out.nc
   ncremap -n '--rgr plev_nm=vrt_nm' --vrt=vrt_grd.nc in.nc out.nc

K. ncks supports a new option --chk_nan to quickly find the location
   of any NaN values in a dataset. Thanks to Matthew Thompson of NASA
   for this suggestion.
   ncks --chk_nan in.nc


A. ncap2 --output again works with single command-line files
   This was inadvertently broken in 4.8.0.
   Thanks to Kyle Wilcox for reporting this issue.

B. Regridder allows "none" for SCRIP normalization type for
   bilinear regridding, employed in UKMO SCRIP files.
   Thanks to Craig MacLachlan for providing this fix.

C. ncremap vertical interpolation bug-fix for fields stored on
   interface levels of hybrid coordinate grids (e.g., CMFMC).

D. ncremap bug-fix for pressure-to-pressure grid vertical
   interpolation for input files with no time dimension.

E. ncks --json fixes JSON output of NC_FLOAT and NC_DOUBLE
   by eliminating the trailing '.' (illegal in JSON) from
   integer-valued floats. '1234567.' is now output as '1234567'.
   Thanks to Aleksandar Jelenak for this bug report.

F. ncremap no longer automatically employs mean-preserving algorithm
   when encountering missing_data. Thanks to Xylar Asay-Davis for
   patiently suggesting saner behavior.

Full release statement at http://nco.sf.net/ANNOUNCE

Charlie Zender, Earth System Sci. & Computer Sci.
University of California, Irvine 949-891-2429 )'(

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