Re: [netcdfgroup] add_offset and scale_factor

Dear Pooran,

the scale_factor and add_offset attributes are optional. They are used for packing data (search for "netcdf packing data" for details) and for similar purposes. If they do not exist, you can consider scale_factor to be 1.0 and add_offset 0.0 (or you just ignore them and use the data as they are).


On 15.04.19 07:02, Pooran khedri wrote:
Hi everybody,
I have a piece of a code to read meteorological forcing  from ECMWF database  in a NetCDF format, Here is some of my piece code to read this file |!reading atmospheric pressure CALL cf90_get_att(iunit, atmpID, "scale_factor", scale_factor) CALL cf90_get_att(iunit, atmpID, "add_offset", offset) CALL cf90_get_var(iunit, atmpID, atmpindat(:,:), filepars%timerec) atmpindat = atmpindat*scale_factor + offset| but I have downloaded the new meteorological file from another database in a NetCDF format , this new file is different from ECMWF file and it does not have add_offset and scale_factor  in its attribute and my code does not read it and I have got many errors. I think I have to add the add_offset and scale_factor to  the  new NetCDF file  or I have to modify the FORTRAN code  that scaling is not used for this variable, but I do not know how to do them☺ ,I am new to using the NetCDF files and FORTRAN .
I would be grateful if you could explain to me How to solve my problem.


/Ph.D. student//, //Department of Physical Oceanography./
/Khorramshahr Marine Science and Technology University,
Khorramshahr, P.O. Box: 669,
Khuzestan Province, Iran./

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