[netcdfgroup] netCDF Operators NCO version 4.7.9 art b'rn

The netCDF Operators NCO version 4.7.9 art b'rn

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What's new?

Producing data for submission to CMIP6 has led to many improvemnts to
the two workflow tools ncclimo and ncremap. Dozens of changes have
made both tools more robust, clearer, and better documented. Notable
changes include include improved sub-gridscale remapping, adding depth
coordinates, CDL updates for hidden attributes, and support for GCC9
and OpenMP 5.0.0.

Work on NCO 5.0.0 has commenced "under the hood". The key leap in that
release will be support for netCDF4 user-defined types. Printing of
netCDF4 user-defined types ENUM and VLEN is ready now (though
unsupported) with the --udt flag. 5.0.0 will contain the finished
version of that, and progress on native weight generation by ncremap.


NEW FEATURES (full details always in ChangeLog):

A. ncremap now names the SGS map as per the -m map_fl option.
   Previously there was no way to name SGS maps for archival.
   This capability eases the generation of SGS maps for CMIP6,
   since models (like ELM, CTSM) with time-invariant land units can
   regrid all variables with the same SGS map.

B. ncremap and ncclimo support MPAS files with a 'depth' dimension,
   and also adding a depth coordinate to raw MPAS output files.
   Both add 'depth' to MPAS files with the new option --dpt_fl:
   ncremap -P mpas --dpt_fl=refBottomDepth_60lyr.nc ...
   ncremap -m mpaso --dpt_fl=refBottomDepth_60lyr.nc ...
   To work, the Python code add_depth.py must be on the $PATH, and
   dpt_fl must contain the MPAS-Ocean field refBottomDepth.
   Thanks to Xylar Asay-Davis of LANL for creating a robust

C. The regridder utilizes the lat_dmn_nm and lon_dmn_nm options, when
   specified, to name the dimensions for regridded logically
   rectangular files. Previously these options were only used to
   specify horizontal dimension names in input file. Consistent
   with this, lat_nm_out and lon_nm_out now specify only the
   horizontal variable names, not the dimension names as before.
   The indepdendent configurability of dimension and variable names
   allows ncremap to regrid files with map projections as expected
   by Panoply and other software. Thanks to Xylar Asay-Davis of LANL
   for suggesting this feature.
   ncremap --rgr_opt='--rgr lat_dmn_nm=x#lon_dmn_nm=y'
   We realize this API is ugly and will create more aesthetic options
   like ncremap --lat_dmn=x --lon_dmn=y if enough users lovingly
   petition our representatives now standing-by at call centers.

D. ncclimo writes more explicit information about parallelism,
   including job_nbr, var_nbr, and nd_nbr. This will help users
   tune throughput for large climatology and splitting jobs.

E. The splitter in ncclimo now outputs progress more clearly,
   and shows the elapsed time to split each timeseries.

F. ncra/ncrcat now perform time-rebasing in rec_apn mode using
   calendar units from the destination not the source file.
   This makes more sense when you think about it.
   Thanks to Ian McHugh of Monash University for prompting this.

G. NCO now writes more intelligible error messages with HINTS for
   likely causes of and responses to NC_EHDFERR and NC_EBADCHUNK

H. ncks emulates ncdump more closely and prints hidden attribute
   _NoFill (not _NOFILL) values as "true" or "false" not 1 or 0.
   ncks --hidden -m in.nc

I. ncks prints CDL for hidden _Filters attribute, if any, with
   all filter values.
   ncks --hidden -m in.nc

J. ncks prints hidden _Endianness attribute for floating point types
   not just multi-byte integers as before.
   ncks --hidden -m in.nc


A. Fix a bug exposed in NCO 4.7.1 that could attempt to dereference
   a NULL pointer, resulting in a core dump. The solution is to
   install 4.7.9. The workaround to that is to run a version of NCO
   prior to 4.7.1.

B. ncremap used an inappropriate area to weight SGS variables.
   Thanks to Min Xu of ORNL for reporting and providing the fix.
   SGS regridding is once again BFB with global means.

C. ncremap orders Tempest remap commands in execution-order in the
   history attribute. Previously they were recorded in an ad hoc
   order. Thanks to Ben Hilman of SNL for suggesting this.

D. Cause ncclimo in MPI mode to exit when no nodes are available.

E. Ensure ncclimo writes nd_fl to writable directory

F. ncap2 exits gracefully when no output file is specified

G. ncap2 exits gracefully when no -s or -S argument given

Full release statement at http://nco.sf.net/ANNOUNCE

Charlie Zender, Earth System Sci. & Computer Sci.
University of California, Irvine 949-891-2429 )'(

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