[netcdfgroup] status of NF90_PNETCDF flag?


I have been using older versions of netcdf for a long time ( and just 
recently tried out 4.6.0. I sometimes use pnetcdf for writing, in which case I 
used the convenient netcdf-4 interface to define the files like so:

     cmode  = ior(ior(NF90_PNETCDF,NF90_MPIIO),nf90_64bit_offset)
     status = nf90_create(filename(ibeg:iend), cmode, ncid, comm = my_comm, 
info = my_info)

With 4.6.0, the NF90_PNETCDF causes an error, but it works if I remove that 
     cmode  = ior(NF90_MPIIO,nf90_64bit_offset)

But that doesn't work with the older netcdf. Is there a way to check which 
version of netcdf I'm compiling against so that I can adapt the mode 
appropriately? I've been testing out ideas with the f90tst_parallel.f90, but 
can't seem to get both versions to work with the same code. I'm too lazy to 
write a separate code to create and define my file with pure pnetcdf....

Thanks for any hints.

-- Ted

| Edward Mansell <ted.mansell@xxxxxxxx>
| National Severe Storms Laboratory
| "The contents of this message are mine personally and
| do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or NOAA."

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