[netcdfgroup] netCDF Operators NCO version 4.7.2 are slithering around

The netCDF Operators NCO version 4.7.2 have slithered out.

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What's new?
Version 4.7.2 contains one new cool feature for ncremap, one important
bugfix for the splitter, and assorted minor improvements and fixes.
ncremap now implements E3SM-recommended Tempest remapping algorithms
for all combinations of FV<->SE remapping for flux and state variables.
The ncclimo splitter functionality has an important bugfix for cases
when the total number requested time-periods (usually years) of
averaging is not evenly divisible by the maximum number of
time-periods per output-file.

Work on NCO 4.7.3 has commenced. Planned changes include
better diagnosis and workarounds for the netCDF CDF5 bug,
parallel weight generation by ncremap, and possibly workarounds for
using quotation marks with ncap2 in Windows.


NEW FEATURES (full details always in ChangeLog):

A. ncremap implements E3SM-recommended Tempest remapping algorithms.
   ncremap can now easily generate and use the each of the six
   E3SM-recommended mappings between FV<->SE flux & state variables.
   ncremap automatically employs the "boutique" TempestRemap options
   so long as Tempest2 is installed.
   ncremap -a se2fv_flx --src_grd=ne30.g --dst_grd=fv.nc -m map.nc
   ncremap -m map.nc in.nc out.nc
   Canonical algorithm names are se2fv_flx, se2fv_stt, se2fv_alt,
   fv2se_flx, fv2se_stt, fv2se_alt.

B. ncremap supports "canonical" NCO argument ordering.
   Canonical ordering is: command [options] [input] [output].
   Previously ncremap required the use of options (like -i
   and -o) or pipes to supply filenames:
   ncremap -m map.nc -i in.nc -o out.nc
   ncremap -m map.nc -o out.nc in.nc
   ncremap -m map.nc -O out_dir in1.nc in2.nc
   ls in.nc | ncremap -m map.nc -o out.nc
   ncremap -m map.nc -o out.nc < in.nc
   Now ncremap finally supports the canonical ordering of command line
   arguments most frequently desired for one-off regridding, where a
   single input and output filename are supplied as command-line
   positional arguments without switches, pipes, or redirection:
   ncremap -m map.nc in.nc out.nc

C. ncremap support a --mss_val=val option for MPAS data.
   ncremap pre-processes MPAS datasets (indicated with -P mpas) and
   annotates their floating point variables with the _FillValue
   attribute. By default it sets _FillValue to the correct value
   for MPAS ocean and sea-ice models. However, the MPAS land-ice model
   uses a different missing value. Hence this option is usually
   invoked as --mss_val=-1.0e36 to facilitate processing of
   MPAS land-ice datasets.
ncremap -P mpas --mss_val=-1.0e36 -s ais.nc -i data.nc -g fv.nc -o out.nc

D. ncclimo has improved support for NCAR cheyenne batch queues
   Previously ncclimo -p mpi failed on Cheyenne due to differences
   between SGI MPT mpirun and "normal" mpirun syntax.
   Now ncclimo uses mpirun syntax expected by SGI MPT on cheyenne.
   qsub -A SCSG0002 -l select=12:ncpus=36:mpiprocs=1 -l \
   walltime=00:30:00 -q regular -N ncclimo -j oe -m e -o ~/ncclimo.out


A. Fix ncclimo splitter bug when the total number requested
   time-periods (usually years) of averaging is not evenly divisible
   by the maximum number of time-periods per output-file.
   Previously the splitter would omit time-series segments.
   The workaround for NCO < 4.7.2 is to specify a maximum number
   of years-per-file that evenly divides the total number of years.
   For example, split a 75 year climatology by setting --ypf
   to 1, 3, 5, 15, 25, or 75 or greater.
   The solution is to upgrade to 4.7.2.
   Then you can use the default (ypf=50) or any other value.

Full release statement at http://nco.sf.net/ANNOUNCE

Charlie Zender, Earth System Sci. & Computer Sci.
University of California, Irvine 949-891-2429 )'(

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