[netcdfgroup] extract data about a point

Hi all,

I am using the ECMWF data (Pressure Level data).

My NetCDF file has 4 dimensions: time, level, latitude, longitude. It has a 
shape of: 1, 21, 1440, 2880

I need to extract data around a point. The point is a station with latitude x 
and longitude y.
I need to extract 150k radius around that station, for all levels.

The issue is that if the station is near the pole, more grid points would be 
needed to make up the 150km radius than if the station was at the equator. 
Similarly, if the station is on the boundary (has a lat or lon close to the 
NetCDF boundary), then data must be extracted up to the edge and then wrap 
around… somehow!

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
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