Re: [netcdfgroup] problem with nccopy4.c

Hi Russ, 

thanks a lot. I did as you suggested. I buid ncdump/nccopy.c after installing 
netCDF 4.1.1 but I have the following error. Probably something is missing?

Thank you for the attention

Emanuele Cordano

**** Build of configuration Debug for project z_test_netcdf_copy ****

make all 
Building file: ../main.c
Invoking: GCC C Compiler
gcc -I/Users/ecor/libraries_x_netcdf4/netcdf-4.1.1/include 
-I/Users/ecor/libraries_x_netcdf4/zlib-1.2.3/include -O0 -g3 -Wall -c 
-fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"main.d" -MT"main.d" -o"main.o" "../main.c"
Finished building: ../main.c
Building file: ../nccopy.c
Invoking: GCC C Compiler
gcc -I/Users/ecor/libraries_x_netcdf4/netcdf-4.1.1/include 
-I/Users/ecor/libraries_x_netcdf4/zlib-1.2.3/include -O0 -g3 -Wall -c 
-fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"nccopy.d" -MT"nccopy.d" -o"nccopy.o" 
../nccopy.c: In function 'free_var_chunk_cache':
../nccopy.c:466: warning: unused variable 'outkind'
Finished building: ../nccopy.c
Building target: z_test_netcdf_copy
Invoking: MacOS X C Linker
gcc -L/Users/ecor/libraries_x_netcdf4/netcdf-4.1.1/lib 
-L/Users/ecor/libraries_x_netcdf4/zlib-1.2.3/lib -o "z_test_netcdf_copy"  
./main.o ./nccopy.o   -lnetcdf -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lz
Undefined symbols:
  "_curl_easy_getinfo", referenced from:
      _ocfetchhttpcode in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _ocfetchlastmodified in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _ocfetchurl_file in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _ocfetchurl in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
  "_nc_next_iter", referenced from:
      _copy_var_data in nccopy.o
  "_curl_easy_perform", referenced from:
      _ocfetchlastmodified in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _ocfetchurl_file in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _ocfetchurl in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
  "_nc_get_iter", referenced from:
      _copy_var_data in nccopy.o
  "_curl_version_info", referenced from:
      _ocopen in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-ocinternal.o)
  "_curl_easy_setopt", referenced from:
      _ocfetchlastmodified in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _ocfetchlastmodified in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _ocfetchlastmodified in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _ocfetchlastmodified in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _ocfetchlastmodified in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _ocfetchlastmodified in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _ocfetchlastmodified in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _ocfetchurl_file in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _ocfetchurl_file in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _ocfetchurl_file in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _ocfetchurl_file in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _occurlopen in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _occurlopen in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _ocfetchurl in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _ocfetchurl in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _ocfetchurl in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _ocfetchurl in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _set_verify in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-curlfunctions.o)
      _set_verify in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-curlfunctions.o)
      _set_cookies in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-curlfunctions.o)
      _set_cookies in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-curlfunctions.o)
      _set_user_password in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-curlfunctions.o)
      _set_user_password in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-curlfunctions.o)
      _set_proxy in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-curlfunctions.o)
      _set_proxy in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-curlfunctions.o)
      _set_proxy in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-curlfunctions.o)
  "_curl_easy_init", referenced from:
      _occurlopen in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
  "_curl_easy_strerror", referenced from:
      _ocsetcurlproperties in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _ocfetchlastmodified in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _ocfetchurl_file in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _ocfetchurl in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
      _ocfetchurl in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
  "_curl_easy_cleanup", referenced from:
      _occurlclose in libnetcdf.a(liboc_la-http.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [z_test_netcdf_copy] Error 1

On Aug 30, 2010, at 4:37 PM, Russ Rew wrote:

> Hi Emanuele,
>> I'm working in C with netCDF 4 and I'm searching a way of copying the
>> dimensions and the global attributes from  a netCDF file to another one.
>> I was looking at the example program:
>> then I compiled the program and I linked the netcdf, hdf5_hl, hdf and z
>> libraries as I have usually done,  but I received the following linkage
>> error related to the function nc_inq_typeid whose definition and content
>> are not found.
> Oops, the function nc_inq_typeid() used by that example was not added
> until after version 4.0.1 was released.  If you try building with the
> current release (4.1.1) or any subsequent release, that function is
> included.
> If you're going to use 4.1.1 or later, you could also just use the
> ncdump/nccopy.c source for the nccopy utility included with that
> release.
> --Russ

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