Re: [netcdfgroup] Difficulties building ncks-4.0.1 and cdo-1.4.4 against netCDF-4.1.1

I ran into the multiple definitions too. I had to define CPPFLAGS= -DHAVE_NETCDF4_H which is similar to what Jennifer just said.

         export NETCDF4_ROOT="$(prefix)/"; \
         export NETCDF_LIB="$(prefix)/lib"; \
         export NETCDF_INC="$(prefix)/include/netcdf"; \
         export PATH="$(prefix)/bin:$(PATH)" ;\
export CPPFLAGS="$(CPPFLAGS) $(INC_SUPP) -DHAVE_NETCDF4_H -I$(prefix)/include/netcdf";\
         export LIBS="-L$(prefix)/lib $(LIB_HDF5) $(LIB_CURL)  -lm" ;\

Hope this help.

David Pierce wrote:
Hi Gary,

I ran into the multiple definitions problem as well.  Not wanting to spend
time messing with it, I simply commented out the redundant definitions in
the nco source code (the make error messages show the file and line
numbers) and that worked.   This is on a Ubundu 8.04 LTS x64 system.



Gary Strand wrote:
I'm having significant problems getting nco-4.0.1 and cdo-1.4.4 to
build against netCDF-4.1.1/hdf5-1.8.4patch1 on a reasonably generic
Linux 64-bit system.

'nco' reports many multiple definitions during 'make'; 'cdo' fails on
'configure' because it can't find 'nc_open'.

Does anyone have any hints/suggestions as to get past these problems?


Gary Strand

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