[netcdfgroup] Third time's the charm! Please try the 4.1.1-rc3 release

Howdy all!

Unfortunately we had to withdraw netCDF-4.1 due to two bugs - one in
netCDF-4 and one in HDF5. 

I apologize for the any inconvenience this may have caused. Even the
great Homer nods.

The hard-working HDF5 team has released a patched version of their
library. All netCDF-4/HDF5 users should upgrade to the HDF5-1.8.4-patch1
release.  (You can get it at

As a replacement for netCDF-4.1, we have been working very hard on the
netcdf4.1.1 release, and I would like to thank all our helpful
beta-testers and early adopters. Since the first release candidate,
several build problems have been found due to user testing.

I have a third (and hopefully final) release candidate for 4.1.1, and it
can be found here:

Please give it a try and report results, positive as well as negative,
to support-netcdf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. 

Make sure you upgrade your HDF5 installation to HDF5-1.8.4-patch1
first. You may do this now, even if you plan to wait for the formal
4.1.1 netcdf release.


Ed Hartnett  -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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