Re: [netcdfgroup] IMPORTANT: patch release for HDF5-1.8.4 needed for netCDF-4

  • To: Mary Haley <haley@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [netcdfgroup] IMPORTANT: patch release for HDF5-1.8.4 needed for netCDF-4
  • From: Russ Rew <russ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 16:01:30 -0700
Hi Mary,

> Is the recent HDF5 1.8.4 patch all that's needed to get NetCDF 4.1  
> working again, or is a patch required for NetCDF 4.1 as well?

The bug writing netCDF-4 files on big-endian platforms with more than 8
attributes attached to a variable or group is described here:

That bug is fixed by release HDF5 1.8.4 Patch 1, available from the HDF5
downloads page:

Building *any* version of netCDF-4 with HDF5 1.8.4 Patch 1 fixes that

The unrelated bug in the netCDF 4.1 release, reported on this mailing
list by Jeff Whitaker on Feb 13, requires the conditions described by Ed

That bug is fixed in the netCDF-4.1.1 release.  We will soon be
announcing the availability of release candidate netcdf-4.1.1-rc1, which
will become the official 4.1.1 release a week or so later if no new
significant bugs are reported.

The netCDF-4.1.1 release also contains a test for the HDF5 bug fixed in
1.8.4 patch 1, and a problem with that test is all that's currently
holding things up.

> I'm wondering if I should redo all my NCL builds now, or wait for a  
> NetCDF 4.1. patch.

I recommend building with HDF5-1.8.4 patch 1 to anyone currently writing
netCDF-4 files on big-endian platforms.  Otherwise, I recommend waiting
for the netCDF-4.1.1-rc1 or 4.1.1 release and building that with the
HDF5-1.8.4 Patch 1 release.


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