Re: [netcdfgroup] help with "ncx.c: No such file or directory"

Jinyun Tang wrote:
   I was running a code compiled with netcdf f77 interface. When the code
was trying to retrieve data with the function nf_get_var_real, it stopped
with the error "signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000444ecb in ncx_getn_float_float (xpp=0x7fff18c7b1d8, nelems=2048,
tp=0x2ae8401ae010) at ncx.c:3475
3475    ncx.c: No such file or directory."
It appeared there's a file "ncx.c" not found. However, I didn't find why
ncx.c is needed. Would you give me any information on this?
BTW, I found this problem both in netcdf-3.6.3/intel and netcdf-4.0.1/intel.
  I appreciate it.

The real problem is 'signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.'
It (most probably) means there is a bug in your program,
not in netcdf.

The message you see says where your program crashes.
In your case the crash is in the netcdf library. Your
environment is friendly and tells you the name of the
function, the name of the source file and at which line
the crash was done.

My bet is you pass wrong arguments to one of the netcdf
functions that you call (probably a nc_get_varXXX one).
Is your buffer big enough to hold the data you read?


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