[netcdfgroup] as_double weaknesses

Hello list,

I've come across two apparent properties of the as_double() function in the 
NetCDF C++ interface:
1: as_double() does not check for data_mode, and creashes if the file is in 
definition mode
2: as_double() does not check for dimension limits, returning whatever is in 
the calculated memory location.

Are these checks left out intentionally to save time, or would it be 
advantageous to have them? Considering that the function allocates and 
deallocates memory on the fly, the extra time to perform these checks should 
not be dramatic.

NetCDF 4 on Windows, precompiled C interface dll.

Best regards,

Sjur Kolberg
SINTEF Energiforskning A/S
Sem Sælands vei 11
7465 Trondheim
tlf. 73 59 72 78
fax  73 59 72 50

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