Re: [netcdfgroup] What does nc_open returning 24 mean?


According to the docs for the Netcdf C interface, Nate's error code for too many files open should be -34, not 24. 24 is not listed.

Does anyone know the reason for this discrepancy? I ask for reference only. Thanks.

--Dave A.
CU/CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center (CDC)
NOAA/ESRL/PSD, Climate Analysis Branch (CAB)

Nathaniel Nutter wrote:
OK, for those who encounter this later it is because despite the files
being open read only they do need to be closed. Thanks to: giuliani,
Hannes, and Timothy for point this out to me so quickly. :-)

I'm brand new at this stuff so I appreciate the help immensely!

On 10/22/07, Nathaniel Nutter <iam@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm having a hard time searching for this on the mailing list archive
and Google due to the unhelpfully constraining nature of a number and

I am running a program that reads in data every 'month' and it goes
through many years and then mysteriously returns non-zero after
opening the same files dozens of times.

Every time prior (again dozens) it returns zero. The file is being
opened read-only, no changes are being made to it.

Debugging info from my program:
nc_open status = 24
filename = dat/

Nate Nutter

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