netCDF lib's in Fortran90 (and other issues in Windows)


As some other user already stated, only approx 5% of the available netCDF
'products' are working properly in a Windows framework. I'm working
with Compaq Visual Fortran and I'm looking to use Fortran90.

Hence my points are:

a) I can't find the most recent static library "netcdfs.lib" in the Unidata
website, in order to link embebed within my own fortran code. I'm using one
lib from 2001 (nf90_inq_libvers = 3.5.0).

b) I'm not able (or it doesn't work for me) to compile and run my code with
the most recent dynamic lib (so called "netcdf.dll"), included in the
release "". I'm including this dll into the
Project folders (in the VisualFortan Workspace). It seems like the compiler
can't find some subrutines / nc_functions in the aforementioned dyn lib.

c) Hence, what I did is to put all the *.f90 files (from the
"netcdf-3.6.0-p1" release), together with my own static lib in the WorkSpace
/ Project folders. As far as I understood (from the "F90 Interface Guide",
Rew et al. 2005), nowadays there is any "fully F90" netcdf
subrutines/functions. The available files from the last release are a
"bridge" between old F77 libraries and recent F90 functionalities. Is that
correct? Is there any library in F90?

d) Last but not least: I couldn't find the so called NF90_INQ_VARNATTS
(again, from "F90 Interface Guide", p. 53) function within the last F90
netcdf package... Could you help me to find out how to construct the
function/link to the appropiate old_F77 function?

Sorry about this long email...
Thanks a lot for your support, best regards


GSO / Univ. Rhode Island

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