RE: net-cdf to grib

Hello All

I have the lats4d software, on a DEC machine with 500Mbytes of memeory
and the lats4d works on the small ncep files, but gives a malloc error
on the large files - any suggestions??

Dan Dansereau

>===== Original Message From Arlindo da Silva <dasilva@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
>>    Hello
>>    I've got some Net-cdf files (NCEP reanalysis) that
>> I need to convert to GRIB format.
>>    Does anyone know how I can do this?
>>    Thank you in advance for your attention
>Please take a look at lats4d:
>This requires the freeware GrADS to be installed in your system.
>Since the NCEP files are usually GrADS ready, all you need to do is:
>     lats4d -i mygribfile.ctl -o myncfile
>and the NetCDF file "" will be generated. Lats4d can also
>convert netcdf/hdf files into GRIB. Lats4d has also a bunch of options
>for selecting specific variables, levels and geographic region, so you
>can subset your files as well.
>    Good Luck,
>       Arlindo.
>Arlindo da Silva

Dan Dansereau
Utah Climate Center

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