Re: [netcdf-porting] [netcdfgroup] CMake integration with NetCDF

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On 10/3/12 2:51 PM, Sean McBride wrote:
On Tue, 2 Oct 2012 10:16:57 -0600, Ward Fisher said:

We are happy to announce our initial integration of the CMake build
system with the NetCDF-C.
Cool!  I tried on my system, but always get "HDF5 Not Found" even if I set 
You should specify -D"USE_NETCDF_4=OFF" to turn off HDF5, not just USE_HDF5. One of those conventions I got used to using during development, but something that isn't at all clear. Thanks for pointing it out, I'll update the documentation to clarify!

What about tests and cdash?  This page does not seem to work:

Post-compile, 'make test' (for make-based systems) or cmake --build . --target RUN_TESTS (for Visual-Studio based systems) should run the tests and report success/failures.

The CDash configuration was used internally during integration; the machine is not accessible (as you noticed), and will likely be removed. We are having conversations internally as to whether or not we will want to provide a public CDash interface. There are certainly upsides when it comes to collecting debugging information, but of course there is the additional burden of security which comes with any outward-facing service.

Have a great afternoon,


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