[netcdf-java] Aggregate netcdf files programmatically

Hi all,

I've n files containing Wave's height data. Each file contain wave data at a specific time. I would to join the files to obtain a single file with a forecast in a range of dates.
So for example,
file_1 contains wave height forecast for 19/03/2013 at 00:00
file_2 contains wave height forecast for 19/03/2013 at 06:00
file_3 contains wave height forecast for 19/03/2013 at 12:00
file_n-1 contains wave height forecast for 21/03/2013 at 00:00
file_n contains wave height forecast for 21/03/2013 at 06:00

I want to obtain a single file with wave height forecast in the range 19/03/2013 at 00:00 - 21/03/2013 at 06:00

I searched in the old posts and on google and I found this Class Utility:

public class AggregationUtil {

public static NetcdfDataset joinExisting(String aggDimName, List<NetcdfFile> ncFiles) throws IOException {
        NetcdfDataset aggDataset = new NetcdfDataset();

AggregationExistingOpenDataset joinExisting = new AggregationExistingOpenDataset(aggDataset, aggDimName);
        for (NetcdfFile ncFile : ncFiles) {

aggDataset.setAggregation(joinExisting); // Makes sure that ncFiles get closed when aggDataset gets closed.
        // No enhancement done here!

        return aggDataset;

public static class AggregationExistingOpenDataset extends AggregationExisting { public AggregationExistingOpenDataset(NetcdfDataset joinExistingDataset, String aggDimName) {
            super(joinExistingDataset, aggDimName, null);

        public void addOpenNcFile(NetcdfFile openNcFile) {
            addDataset(new ExistingOpenDataset(openNcFile));

        @Override protected void closeDatasets() throws IOException {
            for (Dataset dataset : getDatasets()) {
                ExistingOpenDataset eod = (ExistingOpenDataset) dataset;

// The class being extended is *package private*. That's the reason that AggregationUtil must be in
        // ucar.nc2.ncml in the first place.
public class ExistingOpenDataset extends AggregationOuterDimension.DatasetOuterDimension {
            private NetcdfFile openNcFile;

            public ExistingOpenDataset(NetcdfFile openNcFile) {
                super(new MFileOS(new File(openNcFile.getLocation())));
this.cacheLocation = openNcFile.getLocation(); // Silences a warning in Aggregation.makeDataset().
                this.openNcFile = openNcFile;

@Override public NetcdfFile acquireFile(CancelTask cancelTask) throws IOException {
                return openNcFile;

@Override protected void close(NetcdfFile ncfile) throws IOException {
                // DON'T ACTUALLY CLOSE ncfile HERE!
// We're going to let it stay open until the user invokes Aggregation.close() (which, in turn, calls
                // AggregationExistingOpenDataset.closeDatasets()).

and to test I tryed this:

public class Test {

    static public void main(String args[]) {

        // Test Merge
         try {
        } catch (Exception e) {


public static void joinExisting() throws IOException, InvalidRangeException { File janFile = new File("C:/Users/Test/Desktop/union/US058GOCN-GR1mdl.0110_0240_00000F0RL2013031800_0001_000000-000000sig_wav_ht"); File febFile = new File("C:/Users/Test/Desktop/union/US058GOCN-GR1mdl.0110_0240_09000F0RL2013031800_0001_000000-000000sig_wav_ht");
        NetcdfFile janNcFile = NetcdfFile.open(janFile.getAbsolutePath());
        NetcdfFile febNcFile = NetcdfFile.open(febFile.getAbsolutePath());

NetcdfDataset joinExistingDataset = AggregationUtil.joinExisting("time", Arrays.asList(janNcFile, febNcFile));
        try {
System.out.println("Time levels:" + joinExistingDataset.readSection("time"));

             GridDataset gds = new GridDataset(joinExistingDataset);
             NetcdfCFWriter writer = new NetcdfCFWriter();

             List<String> wantedVars = new ArrayList<String>();
             for (VariableSimpleIF var : gds.getDataVariables()) {
                System.out.println("Variabile:" + var.getFullName());
             try {
                 System.out.println("gds=" + gds);
writer.makeFile("C:/Users/Crisma/Desktop/union/out", gds, wantedVars, gds.getBoundingBox(), 1, null, null, 1, false, NetcdfFileWriter.Version.netcdf3 );
             } catch (Exception e) {

        } finally {
            joinExistingDataset.close();    // Closes janFile and febFile.

If I run this I obtain:

netcdf null {
   lon = 360;
   lat = 181;
   time = 2;
   float lat(lat=181);
     :units = "degrees_north";
   float lon(lon=360);
     :units = "degrees_east";
   int time(time=2);
     :units = "Hour since 2013-03-18T00:00:00Z";
     :standard_name = "time";
:long_name = "Uninitialized analysis / image product / forecast product valid for RT + P1";
   float sig_wav_ht_surface(time=2, lat=181, lon=360);
:long_name = "ocean wave forecasting A fictitious wave with a height and period equal to the average height of the highest third of the actual waves that pass a fixed point @ Ground or water surface";
     :units = "m";
     :missing_value = NaNf; // float
     :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
     :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_58-0-3-100_L1";
     :Grib1_Center = 58; // int
     :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int
     :Grib1_TableVersion = 3; // int
     :Grib1_Parameter = 100; // int
     :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "sig_wav_ht";
     :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int

:Originating_or_generating_Center = "Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center, Monterey, CA, USA";
 :Originating_or_generating_Subcenter = "0";
 :Generating_process_or_model = "Wave Watch 3rd Revision Global";
 :Conventions = "CF-1.6";
 :history = "Read using CDM IOSP Grib1Collection";
 :featureType = "GRID";
 :file_format = "GRIB-1";

Time levels:0 90

java.io.IOException: spi is null, perhaps file has been closed. Trying to read variable sig_wav_ht_surface
    at ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile.readData(NetcdfFile.java:1939)
    at ucar.nc2.Variable.reallyRead(Variable.java:859)
    at ucar.nc2.Variable._read(Variable.java:831)
    at ucar.nc2.Variable.read(Variable.java:709)
    at ucar.nc2.ncml.Aggregation$Dataset.read(Aggregation.java:683)
at ucar.nc2.ncml.AggregationOuterDimension.reallyRead(AggregationOuterDimension.java:374)
    at ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS._read(VariableDS.java:502)
    at ucar.nc2.Variable.read(Variable.java:709)
    at ucar.nc2.FileWriter.copyAll(FileWriter.java:325)
    at ucar.nc2.FileWriter.copyVarData(FileWriter.java:286)
    at ucar.nc2.FileWriter.writeToFile(FileWriter.java:241)
    at ucar.nc2.FileWriter.writeToFile(FileWriter.java:103)
    at Test.joinExisting(Test.java:115)
    at Test.main(Test.java:57)

Looking to the output seems that the join was ok (I've 2 time levels) but when i try to write the result in a file I obtain an exception.

Does Have someone some suggestions?

Best regards

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