[netcdf-java] Unstructured grids in NetCDF-Java


We've discussed this issue before, but just checking in to see if
recent changes to NJ make this possible:

The ocean community has an increasing amount of unstructured grid
ocean model forecast data which we would like to aggregate and deliver
via OPeNDAP.   Examples datasets:

  If we try FMRC aggregation, we get "no grids found" because
unstructured grids only have a "time,z,node" dimension instead of
"time,z,j" dimensions.    If we could add a singleton dimension,
unstructured grid would be recognized as "grids" and we could use FMRC
as well as higher level routines to return the vertical coordinates,
but currently there is no way to add a singleton dimension using NcML.

Within a year we hope to have an unstructured grid class for
NetCDF-java, but in the interim, would it be possible to read this
data as GRID somehow (provide a way to add the singleton dimension, or
map into the grid structure on read)?


Dr. Richard P. Signell   (508) 457-2229
USGS, 384 Woods Hole Rd.
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1598

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