Re: [netcdf-java] Arrays with a zero in the shape array

This is related to my interest in a zero-length Range. I may have an Array with values 1-10 and want to process a request for values > 10. I have code that gets indices from a binary search and creates a Range that is used to "section" the Array. Currently, I'm using nulls to handle zero-length results, but it would be much nicer to have empty Ranges and Arrays that would do the right thing.


John Caron wrote:
Konrad Hinsen wrote:
I am working on some code that uses the array implementation from netCDF (ucar.ma2). One point I have been stumbling over is the support (or not) of arrays that have a zero in their shape array and thus have no elements.

It is possible to create such elements using the factory method, and they seem to be behave just fine. On the other hand, it is not possible to obtain such an empty array as a subsection of another array, because the Range constructor insists that 0 <= first <= last. I end up having lots of special-case checks for empty subsections because in many places in my code, empty arrays can be produced as a result for limiting cases of the input parameters.

Is there any reason why Range does not accept last < first, resulting in an empty array of the right shape?


I will have to look closer as to why these arent allowed. I have also noticed 
that generates special-case checks. Can you tell me how you use this and an 
example why zero-length arrays are useful to you?

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