[netcdf-java] Writing some data following CF

Dear all,

I am new to Java and NetCDF so I hope this question is not too basic.

I want to write a file with rotated lat lon coordinates, height and a 
fourth dimension called urban class. All values are calculated inside 
java and are not read or connected to a netcdf file.

I followed the tutorial and was able to write all the stuff manually, ie 
using ncfile.addVariable and ncfile.addVariableAttribute to enter 
information about the rotated grid, the variable names, units, etc. So 
I used standard java arrays and only at the end I converted them to 

Is there a more elegant way? I found several classes like NetcdfDataset 
and CoordinateAxis1D but it looks like I need one of them to get the 
other (looking at the Constructors). There is also NetcdfCFWriter which 
looks interesting but it says it writes a gridded dataset. As far as I 
can see, my forth dimension is not usable then, right?

I would be happy if you could point me to the right places, I think I am 
able to work out the details.

Thanks a lot

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
Research Domain II - Climate Impacts & Vulnerabilities

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