Member access privilege problems

FYI - I sent this to

I am trying to use the netcdf package within an applet,
and security issues arising in this package are
preventing it from using the java.lang.Class package,
even though I seem to have requested the
UniversalMemberAccess privilege.  In more detail:

The thrown exception is: security.member access

The relevant part of the stack trace is
  at Code)
  at java.lang.Class.checkMemberAccess(Compiled Code)
  at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructor(Compiled Code)
  at ucar.netcdf.AbstractNetcdf.VariableCtor(Compiled Code)
  at ucar.netcdf.AbstractNetcdf.<init>(Compiled Code)
* at ucar.netcdf.NetcdfFile.<init>(Compiled Code)

(Though I have requested UniversalMemberAccess, it seems
that it should not be needed, as
java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructor is
a public method?)

My calling code is:

        try {  // This must be in the same block?


          appendLine("Netscape privileges obtained.");
        catch (NoClassDefFoundError ex){appendLine("NoClassDefFoundError");}

        catch (Exception ex){appendLine("Exception");}
        File netCdfFile = new File(sliceDir, fileName);
        nc = new NetcdfFile(netCdfFile,
                                true, // clobber an existing file
                                true, // prefill variable values
                                schema // metadata template

Am I enabling the wrong privilege?

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