NetCDF 4 on Windows (native build)

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<FONT face="Default Sans Serif,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size
=2><DIV>NetCDF-4 folk:</DIV><DIV>&nbsp;</DIV><DIV>I would like to build t
he netcdf-4 alpha on Windows using Microsoft Visual C++ .net.&nbsp;</DIV><D
IV>&nbsp;</DIV><DIV>I grabbed the HDF5&nbsp;threadsafe Windows libraries, a
nd&nbsp;I downloaded&nbsp;netcdf-4.0-alpha14.tar.gz&nbsp;but discovered the
re is no ./win32/NET directory (as there is on netcdf.tar.gz).&nbsp;&nbsp;
Does one exist,&nbsp;or is this on the "to-do" list?</DIV><DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="mailto:rsignell@xxxxxxxx"; target=blank

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