Re: HDF5 compile problem on Sun...

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Russ Rew <russ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Ed,
>> Meanwhile, I tried again with the lastest development snapshot,
>> 1.7.52, and got the same error (below).
>> The compiler gives me the following version information:
>> bash-3.1$ c99 -v
>> MIPSpro Compilers: Version 7.4.3m
>> The system is:
>> bash-3.1$ uname -a
>> IRIX64 flip 6.5 01062343 IP30
> You probably know this, but the above is an SGI/IRIX system, not a
> Sun.  I'm only pointing this out because the message subject and
> previous context of the messages were about problems on a Sun
> platform, not an SGI ...
> --Russ

Yes, I noticed eventually.

The good thing about starting work so early is that even if I'm being
stupid, I can still catch up before everyone else starts working!

Ed Hartnett  -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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