FWD: IDL support for CDF format

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>From:  SMTP%"davidf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"   19-JUN-1992 13:40:53.13
>To:    GRIFFIOEN@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subj:  IDL support for CDF format
>Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1992 11:39:12 -0600
>From: davidf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Fanning)
>Message-Id: <9206191739.AA19364@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: GRIFFIOEN@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: IDL support for CDF format
>I wanted to let you know that David Stern is going to JPL
>next week and one of the things he is announcing is IDL
>support for the CDF and Net-CDF data formats. (We hope
>CDF extensions will take care of HDF, but if not, we will
>do HDF as well.) Our current plans are to have these formats
>ready to go for a big release in September that will even
>have an IDL debugger in it!!
>David Fanning

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