[leadusers] LEAD System downtime

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Hi Folks,

LEAD is offline until tomorrow at the earliest.
Attached is the detailed information of what happened.

Our apologies for the inconvenience.


Tom Baltzer                 P.O. Box 3000
Software Engineer           Boulder, CO 80307-3000
UCAR Office of Programs
Unidata Program Center      http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
tbaltzer@xxxxxxxx           303-497-8637
-----Original Message-----
Subject: [lead-all] LEAD System downtime

Hi all,

Due to a water main breaking near the Data Capacitor's physical location, and unexpected problems with the network routing tables that caused our NFS mountpoints to hang indefinitely, we've experienced downtime in the past 24 hours. My apologies for not getting this out earlier!

Our hardware is now back online and we are reserving the rest of this evening for further sanity checks. We should be back to normal operation by tomorrow morning.

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