[leadusers] LEAD Data Catalog problems

NOTE: The leadusers mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

Hi LEAD Users,

In our efforts to upgrade the LEAD data catalog to the latest technology, a glitch was 
encountered.  This has resulted in the catalog now only containing NAM and ADAS data for 
the past  7 days.  So when you search the catalog for data, or when you run workflows, 
you will only be able to work with these two datasets for the 7 day time period.  Your 
"My Workspace" data is unaffected by this situation.  We hope to have the 
problem resolved soon and will notify you as soon as the Data Catalog is back on-line.  
The good news is that when it gets back on-line, it will contain radar data products for 
the previous two days!

Thanks for your patience and for testing and working with LEAD.

As always, please feel free to submit suggestions for LEAD, problems you're having 
or successes you've experienced to the LEAD support e-mail list at 
support-lead@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or through the Help->Submit Feedback tabs in the 
LEAD portal.

Tom Baltzer

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